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Posts posted by HecBravo

  1. Just any USB-TTL cable, you can search it on ebay or just use one from old mobile phone. But i encourage you to do it via telnet, cause serial console will require some special skills and knowledge and there's a risk to break your DVR



    I tried again, and noticed that DVR has IP and my laptop is in subnet 192.168.15 I think that's why I cannot login via telnet, any clue to change something to use telnet?


    thanks in advance


    PS I'm doing my best

  2. It doesnt sound right. Maybe your PC is in the different subnet? has to be the same 192.168.1.x


    If you still cant login, then you will need USB-TTL cable and you will have to connect to DVR console and do the same steps as with telnet


    I will try tonight, I going to verify the subnet on my laptop...could you tell me what kind of cable because I know that there are many kinds....


    thanks dede

  3. Well, try using the "888888" user name locally, which has administrative privileges. If that doesn't work, and this point you need to find someone with the password generator, using the date. I don't have it, but I'm pretty sure someone else here does


    Thank you, that is what I am looking for, someone how has the "password generator". I already tried removing the cell-battery and they tell that with date 2000-01-01 the "super password" is 000000 (login with admin user), but it did not work.


    Really I appreciate your help....

  4. Thanks tomcctv


    Now problem is that I cannot login using admin user i missed password so I need help in order to find a way to reset the password on my Dahua DVR


    any clue?


    Yes, the DVR will allow users to input ID and password to log in again after it was locked 20-30 minutes.. But your problem is you don't have password for ID admin any more, that's why I asked you to contact Dahua or their local dealer or your provider to reset the password.. Usually you have to provide the date information displayed on the DVR and they will give you a super password, then you can input to log in and then modify your own password.


    Well, my local support provider told me that I should try removing cell-battery in order to reset the DVR but It did not work and Dahua Online Support do not answer I tried to contact them by online support but no response.

  5. Well now I know that user unlock after some minutes (thanks), now the issue is that I cannot login using admin user. Let me tell you that I had a local support provider but no longer since last week, they helped me to configure DVR with DNS they create the host using a Dyndns but last week they removed the host and now I cannot enter using admin user to the DVR in order to change the host and all the configuration.

    I tried to enter to Dahua Support but now they ask for some additional data, last month I sent a doubt (without additional data) and they answered but now it is not possible.

    I saw that someone send the password that DAHUA give you based on the date.


    I appreciate your help or any clue to solve this doubt...
