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Posts posted by parrin

  1. I copied a memory from a functional device with a programmer. What kind of memory content do you have? Up-date or something else?


    Thanks for replying, so you explain copied with a programmer a memory of a functional device.

    In my case the memories are corrupt. My question is if you can copy the memory directly with the files: general, flahs.bin, or update.

    Since I have tested with all the files and the equipment has the same failure.

    In theory I thought it would be like rewriting the files since they are all compressed in the package.

    I do not know if it is due to something related to decompression or you have to edit some file.

    Unfortunately the failure blocks the network port and Serial RS232 port and I have no other way to reinstall the firmware.

    I appreciate any comments.

  2. Please help me with a flash bin for Dahua DVR5104 equipped with HI3520 and MX25L12845EMT. It was on the Internet when it was damaged and no longer boot probably due hackers. I will insert the firmware directly into memory MX2L128 with a programmer RT809F. I've done this for models with 16 and 32 channels, but for 4 channels I do not have flash bin. Any advice is welcome.


    Regards Dani, grateful if you can help me. I have two DVR3116H with the same fault you describe and I tried to insert the firmware directly into memory without achieving results.

    Do I have to copy only the flash.bin file to memory? Since the firmware that I have for this DVR has no such file.

    What is the procedure?

    I greatly appreciate your help.
