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Posts posted by taoconno

  1. If you could keep your eye on anything and get a video analytic response what would that be, and what would you want to it to specifically watch for?


    I am a college student working on a project to understand the future of video surveillance technology. I’m passionate about the field, have been brainstorming a bit, and thought it would be an interesting question to pose here.


    I'm trying to figure out where video surveillance is needed and how analytics can be implemented to help with tasks that currently require a human to watch.


    - Similarly, if you had a “magic wand” system today (i.e., one that wasn’t limited by current video analytics technology) to monitor anything, alert on anything, and deliver whatever insight to you that you needed (without any false alarms!), how would you use it?

  2. If you could keep your eye on anything and get a video analytic response what would that be, and what would you want to it to specifically watch for?


    I am a college student working on a project to understand the future of video surveillance technology. I’m passionate about the field, have been brainstorming a bit, and thought it would be an interesting question to pose here.


    I'm trying to figure out where video surveillance is needed and how analytics can be implemented to help with tasks that currently require a human to watch.


    - Similarly, if you had a “magic wand” system today (i.e., one that wasn’t limited by current video analytics technology) to monitor anything, alert on anything, and deliver whatever insight to you that you needed (without any false alarms!), how would you use it?

  3. My name is Thomas O’Connor and I am a Rising Junior at James Madison University. I am trying to see if this communityboard could offer me some insight for research that I am doing in the field of video surveillance and security. As a student, I am very passionate about this field and wanted to learn from everyone's expertise. For my Junior year, I am investigating the “future of video analytics.” There is little “forward-looking” research information available!


    Specifically, my goal is to understand/make guesses about:

    -What will security cameras be able to do in 2035? They seem to get a little better every year. When they reach the point that they can do everything a human can do, how will they be used?

    -Similarly, if you had a “magic wand” system today (i.e., one that wasn’t limited by current analytics technology) to monitor anything, alert on anything, and deliver whatever insight to you that you needed (without any false alarms!), what would the highest value applications be for it?

    -Any other suggestions on the long-term trends (10-20+ years) you foresee?


    I look forward to learning more about the field, and I am very excited to find out what responses I receive!
