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Cadillac Bill

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Posts posted by Cadillac Bill

  1. My neighbor and I have been having a problem with vandalism and theft. We suspect it is someone we know. Also,


    On an ongoing basis we want to know who may be coming on the property, or even attempting to enter, so we can, if needed, take legal/criminal action against them. Therefore we need images good enough to identify them and their actions.


    Possible entry points include a section of fence about 75 feet long on both sides of the road. Code requirements make it difficult for us to raise the height of this six foot fence. If I could put razor wire at the top, it would be better, but not allowed.


    His gate is about 75 feet from my gate. So I am considering PTZ auto tracking.


    If there is a less expensive way to meet these goals, this would be desirable.

  2. I am new to digital cameras, but have a little experience with CCTV. I would like to set up a digital camera, possibly IP, that will detect a face and zoom in enough to identify, and record on my PC Computer. Would also like to be able to access with an iPhone 6.


    It would be good to have low light capabilities or IR if possible out to about 100 feet, though most intruders would be within 50 feet, and within that distance I am fairly well lit by a single 400w metal halide fixture.


    Wireless would be easiest, and I can reach with my wifi. However I can run wire or cable if needed. I would like to have the system be expandable up to as many as 8 - 10 cameras.


    Where do you suggest I start?


    Thanks, Bill
