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Posts posted by aace

  1. I have MPEG4 4ch dvr and I want to use a vga monitor on it. It has a male vga connector and says that it needs a converter to connect a monitor.


    Is it just a female-female vga adapter?


    Thanks Mike

  2. If I focus it for night, it's out of focus during the day.

    Are you certain it is a focus issue? Focus is very non-critical when an iris is closed. It is only critical when the iris is open.

    I'll give it another try but i won't get a chance till Thursday night.

  3. What type of activities and level of detail are you expecting to observe with this camera?


    Can you use the corner of the cooling tower to mount a camera, or run a wire to one of the gate posts?


    Mainly if the gate is open, closed, or blocked.

    Not a lot of detail like license plates or driver really.


    Can't put a cam on the chiller.

  4. I am trying to get a view of this gate day and night. Distance is about 200'




    So far I've tried a 1/3" Color Day/Night 480 lines .01 lux(doubtful), and an old 1/3 BW.


    With an Auto Iris lens's both cameras drift out of focus as it gets darker. Different AI lenses.

    With varifocal lens's both slowly go to black as the sun goes down.


    This is a shot from a PTZ we have about 500'. Same camera specs as the color cam. Of course they can't cut down the trees...





    From what I've read on here it would be to far to use IR unless it was lit from the side, possibly form the chiller on the right in the second pic.


    I'd like to stay < $500


    Thanks Mike...

  5. I never could find poleedit.exe!


    I did a search in regedit and I could not find it there either!


    I am still laughing my butt off about this "hack"!

    Like he said it's poledit.exe.


    If it's not on the C: drive it should be on the CD in the tools directory. Lot's of nifty tricks in it. 98 is pretty hard to totally lock down from someone who knows what they are doing. 2k and XP are better, especially if they are on an AD.

  6. I would rather learn to undo what I have. I am more interested in tinkering, and learning.


    These were used for a call center, that was built in 99. I never had a chance to switch OS. Now that I have an excuse, I can get off my can and make it happen.


    I just was not interested in licensing 10 + Win XP.



    It sounds like the PC's have been locked down by policies. Look for poledit.exe, I think it is on 98. You can use it to edit the policies.
