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Posts posted by 111jag

  1. A tree at the side of my house where I had my fta antenna in, got hit by lightning. It fried my tvs, transformers, stereo and other equipment including only one port on my dvr (all others were ok). I simply switched the camera to a port I had free and it worked. Actually had one transformer putting out 7 vDC instead of 12. Simply changed it and it worked.  However, it said that I have no network connected to my dvr. Did the network port if there is such a thing on my dvr get fried? I am getting a new router from my isp as I think the ports in the router were fried. What do you think happened? Did the ethernet cable get damaged? I don't want to switch that out.... Will know more when I replace the router.

  2. Yes some of the older cameras do work, some don't. Some were just chinese knockoffs. Don't know the brand names. It is just the the WatchNet camera used to work on my old system and now it does not. I connected it to a video balun to a single wire of each of the cat5e cable that I used for power. That may be my problem? Should I join 2 or 3 cat5e cables together for both pos and neg power and connect them to my video balun to help reduce voltage loss? Would this solve my problem?

    Now for the power adapter above. Is 10 V output not correct? Is there a problem with the transformer? And that is taking the reading right at the transformer, not at the camera.

  3. I am not sure if I should be posting this here but below is a picture of the Converter I am using to power my WatchNet XDDIII camera on my old system which used to work. I am getting only 9.83 Volts out of the converter. Is it broken? Is that why my camera is not working with my old system? The camera said I need to use a 24V AC/12V DC power supply? Can I use a 12V DC/2A regular power converter?


    The picture reads: Plug in Class 2 Transformer

    MODEL: TRI-PIT 2440C

    Pri. 120VAC 60Hz 50W

    Sec. 24VAC 40VA



  4. I was wondering why my WatchNet XDDIII camera does not work with my Lorex DVR system?

    Also, I used Cat5E cable and a video balun with my camera but I am not sure if the 24V AC/12V DC adapter is working. I checked voltage and it read around 10 V output, so I am not sure if it is broken. A regular 12V/2A converter does not work. Do I need to use a 24V AC/12V DC adapter for the camera to work? The camera did work on a NightOwl DVR8 Light, now it does not work.



  5. Hi,

    I tried hooking the Watchnet XDIII camera inside my house with a test wire and it works fine. I had a different camera hooked up outside it it worked fine. Then I tried hooking the Watchnet camera up outside and all I get is a white screen. It has power, as when I disconnect the power the screen goes black. Do I have enough power? Are the wires hooked up backwards (Pos/Neg) as I did splice the wire to the camera and may have reversed the wires outside. Doesn't explain why my older camera still works? I was thinking of putting 24v power supply to this new camera. Does it take more power to run the Watchnet XDIII? Are there outdoor settings that I have to set up to make it work outside? Doesn't explain why it works inside my house. What should the setting say. The camera is on my porch with a street light and occasionally my front porch light on. My buddy said it is a good camera. We will see. Any help would be appreciated.


