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Posts posted by paulham

  1. [quote name="orsodimare

    The "source" of the problem is a JS code that when you open the webpage checks a "MachineID" (based on the present HW) and sets a bunch of fields of the user interface to be hidden...

    If you know how to edit a file with VI' date=' You can fix it for ever (actually, until the next update...), ask and I'll let you know.


    Cheers, Bruno[/quote]



    No problem!

    - telnet your_nvr_ip_address (root/antslq)

    - cd web/www/public/js

    - vi devicepara.js

    - at line 990 you see function GetCustomizeMenu() that makes the check on the HW

    - comment lines 1043 and 1052

    - save and close devicepara.js

    et voilà... you get the recording settings in the web interface.

    Ciao, Bruno


    PS: There are other fields to un-hide (e.g. to record the aux sub stream), but for me that is over my needs....


    Hi orsodimare,


    Thanks for you info, I tried your solution but it seems that the line numbers you have supplied do not match to the lines that I have in my file.


    Do you know if there are updated instructions to this solution?

    (also, OMG Vi is so hard to work out)






    I have messed up, I tried the above and now i dont get any options in the Config screen. (See attachment)


    Anyone help?


    Can anyone be of assistance to fix this issue?


    Its so annoying not being able to make any changes using the web GUI. Today I have tried updating the NVR to a new version, but unfortunately the file that I messed up has not been rewritten with a new one and the issue still persists.

  2. For anyone interested, the output RTSP stream from the NVR is rtsp://:554/ch0_0.h264?ptype=udp , just replace "ch0" with any channel you want to view, e.g. "ch5" for the channel 5 from NVR.

    It was already mentioned in the post from Dec 15th 2015 by eddiex666 and I have previously found it. but I forgot the exact URL and it took me long time today to find it again, so I hope this will help someone who will be looking for it in the future (including myself )



    This doesnt work on mine

  3. [quote name="orsodimare

    The "source" of the problem is a JS code that when you open the webpage checks a "MachineID" (based on the present HW) and sets a bunch of fields of the user interface to be hidden...

    If you know how to edit a file with VI' date=' You can fix it for ever (actually, until the next update...), ask and I'll let you know.


    Cheers, Bruno[/quote]


    Thanks Orsodimare,


    If you cound send me the solution it will be appreciate (and the utilisation of vi will launch me twenty five years before, when I was Young )


    BR Stephane



    No problem!

    - telnet your_nvr_ip_address (root/antslq)

    - cd web/www/public/js

    - vi devicepara.js

    - at line 990 you see function GetCustomizeMenu() that makes the check on the HW

    - comment lines 1043 and 1052

    - save and close devicepara.js

    et voilà... you get the recording settings in the web interface.

    Ciao, Bruno


    PS: There are other fields to un-hide (e.g. to record the aux sub stream), but for me that is over my needs....


    Hi orsodimare,


    Thanks for you info, I tried your solution but it seems that the line numbers you have supplied do not match to the lines that I have in my file.


    Do you know if there are updated instructions to this solution?

    (also, OMG Vi is so hard to work out)






    I have messed up, I tried the above and now i dont get any options in the Config screen. (See attachment)


    Anyone help?


  4. [quote name="orsodimare

    The "source" of the problem is a JS code that when you open the webpage checks a "MachineID" (based on the present HW) and sets a bunch of fields of the user interface to be hidden...

    If you know how to edit a file with VI' date=' You can fix it for ever (actually, until the next update...), ask and I'll let you know.


    Cheers, Bruno[/quote]


    Thanks Orsodimare,


    If you cound send me the solution it will be appreciate (and the utilisation of vi will launch me twenty five years before, when I was Young )


    BR Stephane



    No problem!

    - telnet your_nvr_ip_address (root/antslq)

    - cd web/www/public/js

    - vi devicepara.js

    - at line 990 you see function GetCustomizeMenu() that makes the check on the HW

    - comment lines 1043 and 1052

    - save and close devicepara.js

    et voilà... you get the recording settings in the web interface.

    Ciao, Bruno


    PS: There are other fields to un-hide (e.g. to record the aux sub stream), but for me that is over my needs....


    Hi orsodimare,


    Thanks for you info, I tried your solution but it seems that the line numbers you have supplied do not match to the lines that I have in my file.


    Do you know if there are updated instructions to this solution?

    (also, OMG Vi is so hard to work out)




  5. There is no trace of any Samba support on the device. You can probably get samba binaries by building them for armv7 and running from harddrive, probably a bit more difficult to build the cifs kernel module without the original kernel sources, patches, configuration.


    I've managed to mount a NFS share on the MiniNVR, since the nfs kernel module is already on the device. However I have no idea how to convince the ants application to record to a network share. Maybe it'll work if mounting the share on a path that is normally used to mount harddrives? But I don't know which location since I don't have an external drive yet, only had the MiniNVR for a couple of days.



    Would you be able to keep us informed of your progress?


    I think this device could be better than it is currently. Network shares would be a win!

  6. It's pretty simple... If you cut the usb it has four colors, red,black,green,white. You just connect red & black to the same ones of power supply unit. Green and white are not used... Most of 2.5'' Hdd don't consume more than 500mA...


    how about using a separate power supply?

  7. Hi Eddie.. For storage it's not a matter of speed it's a matter for read/write cycles... Usb sticks are not designed as ssd's or hard disks... This is why the restriction exists... Ports 505x are the streaming for each channel. Now as for resolution if reset to default settings it usually starts at low resolution visible to any monitor or TV. For USB storage power was not enough for me... So I ordered an esata cable and make a Y-split to the 5V adapter... Now my Hdd works rock solid and through a more "physical" interface esata... Thanks


    Could you please show a photograph of your ESATA connector?


    Sure! Here is from the disk side


    and here from the NVR..



    From NVR side it had a USB connector which was for power supply of the disk. I cut this cable and connected DIRECT to the output of 5V 2A dc adapter... Except that is rock solid stable, the disk is working extremely cool...


    Here is the cable approx. 3$ from ebay




    Thank you, I have that cable but I wasnt too sure how the best way to connect the USB power.


    I am having issues with the NVR rebooting, and i think it is something to do with the hardrive spooling up and browning out the NVR.

  8. Hi Eddie.. For storage it's not a matter of speed it's a matter for read/write cycles... Usb sticks are not designed as ssd's or hard disks... This is why the restriction exists... Ports 505x are the streaming for each channel. Now as for resolution if reset to default settings it usually starts at low resolution visible to any monitor or TV. For USB storage power was not enough for me... So I ordered an esata cable and make a Y-split to the 5V adapter... Now my Hdd works rock solid and through a more "physical" interface esata... Thanks


    Could you please show a photograph of your ESATA connector?

  9. @Derek L. you need the following ports for the NVR to work out of home with or without the activeX plugin...




    ** I am just changing the 80 port to listen to 8041 from out..





    I have copied your settings but I still do not get any video showing from a remote computer. the web GUI can be accessed but no video plays.

  10. For others who are having this problem, I have a solution which worked for me and will hopefully work for you.


    I was having the exact same issue when trying to register with goolink.org - when I added the NVR's serial number into the goolink.org website from a PC via a browser (I tried chrome, firefox and IE) it gave the error "Notice:Wrong ID, another one please!". The strange thing was the apple & android apps of goolink worked just fine and I was able to view the cameras on my mobile devices. What did not work was the browser version which would allow me to look at the cameras remotely from my PC.


    After reading this thread, I tried returning the NVR to hopefully get one that would work with the PC version of goolink.org. The 2nd one had the same goolink problem.


    I was about to give up and just except that the PC version was not going to work, but I decided to try the seller's China support contact. I was very impressed with their support - not only very quick response, but a solution. They sent me an update file for the firmware (I was already running firmware version V4.0[20150124] and hardware version V4.0 for the Super Mini NVR N6200-8E) which was called "goolink_P2P_2015-06-10.update". It was a small fine (only 168KB) which I ran from the NVR's menu "System->Update->Upgrade File" function. I rebooted the NVR, went to goolink.org via a browser on my PC, goolink.org now works. The same NVR which was giving me the error "Notice: Wrong ID, another one please!" now correctly registered and works great! Hope this saves someone some headaches.


    Could you post the email address to the china contact centre that you spoke to? I have the same issue


    Notice:Wrong ID, another one please!

  11. Hi i have a CT-N6200-8EL Mini NVR 2. the firmware is 8CH_Mini_NVR_V4.0_20150124_Firmware.


    I read in a post on here that a newer firmware version is available that doesn't require activex and works with other browsers like Safari, Chrome, etc. I use a mac so I hate to drag out the old Dell to look at stuff.

    Can anyone verify this? I don't see one available on the URCCTV download page.


    also, has anyone put together a good walk thru directions on setting one of these up? The manuals aren't great. I have mine working with the exception of it won't record even though it says it is.




    Im not sure about the firmwares but with your issue of it not recording, are you using a USB harddrive, USB flash drive or SATA?


    I tried a USB flash drive but it wouldnt recognise it. Now im using a USB 2.5" harddrive but you have to check to make sure its connected.


    Go to

    Config>System Management>Storage management


    Make sure your hard drive is showing up.


    Also when i added my cameras onto the NVR for some reason each camera showed up on the search twice. I have to make sure that i select the ONVIF one otherwise the recording doesnt work and motion detect settings do not save.

  12. Ok, so I don't know what could be wrong. I just installed two nvr:s today with remote view. Only need to setup dyndns and forward those ports and it works. Maybe your isp is blocking some ports?


    i dont think the ISP is blocking the ports as i went onto can you see me website and it shows the ports as open.


    Its a mystery!


    Port forwarding screen looks little odd. Where you set ip address where ports are forwarded to? I can't see it in that screen.

    Second, have you checked your public ip address? Just in case that you are behind operator's nat. And how you contact your nvr, are you using dyndns or similar? Have you checked that it points to your public ip address?



    That screen is the setup of the 'application', on the next screen you assign the application to a IP address/server in the network.


    I use http://freedns.no-ip.com/ but it must be working ok as i can access the config on the NVR from outside my network, but I just cant see the video.

  14. Has anyone been able to view their cameras on their NVR from a computer outside of their network?


    I have port forwarded the following and I am able to access the GUI but no images/video shows.


    5050 - 5053


    I am running Google chrome on a windows pc, I have windows 10 and I'm unable to use activeX. I also cannot seem to get vmeye working on android, the status is buffering but it never stops and no image is shown.


    Yes, I have setup many nvr:s with remote view. I think you have some problem with port forwarding. Ports 80 and 5050-5053 should be enought.


    For computer you need flash player for non activex mode. I use firefox and it plays fine. Haven't tried chrome.

    If you forward only ports 80 and 5050 you see gui but no video. So check other ports.


    Edit. I forgot, you need to forward ports 1935 and 843 too



    I use Chrome on the laptop at home, and i can access the NVR from that. Its just outside the home network im unable to see the video.


    Here is my port forwarding screen, can you see a problem?


  15. Has anyone been able to view their cameras on their NVR from a computer outside of their network?


    I have port forwarded the following and I am able to access the GUI but no images/video shows.


    5050 - 5053


    I am running Google chrome on a windows pc, I have windows 10 and I'm unable to use activeX. I also cannot seem to get vmeye working on android, the status is buffering but it never stops and no image is shown.
