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Posts posted by bdstrat

  1. Thanks for the replies and sorry for not coming back until now but I have been away and tied up with other stuff.


    I spoke to this company today that was recommended to me. https://www.cctv42.co.uk/


    I cannot seem to find anyone who can supply and support the 8 channel Qvis system.


    CCTV42 seem to specialise in one small set of products. They have recommended an 8 channel DVR, 3TB disk and dome HD cameras although they think the existing 4 dome cameras will be compatible regardless of if they are HD or not.


    The remote software app they recommend for Ipad and iPhone is Superlive which I think is a freebee. The reviews online though are not that great of this app.


    I was quite impressed with them though and I think they will offer end user support setting it up.


    The chap I am installing it for just wants it all to work and be reliable. Cost is not a major concern. We also do need good support should it go wrong.


    Myself and a local electrician will be installing it. I have an IT background so can handle all the networking side ok. I just need to be sure I am purchasing the right solution and the right remote apps.

  2. Hello


    I helped a friend set up a Qvis 4 Channel CCTV system so he can monitor his 4 cameras at home using the iApollo app on his iphone and ipad from anywhere.


    He would like to expand the system and add 4 more cameras so I am guessing he needs an 8 channel (or more) CCTV DVR. Any recommendations as to what unit to buy and from where? I am hoping its just going to be a case of swapping the old DVR with the new one, giving it the same IP address and adding the cameras and it will all work but I am not that familiar with CCTV systems so any help or guidance as to what to purchase and from where would be appreciated.


    I thought another Qvis system would be the logical way to go but I am open to suggestions. The current system relies on port forwarding through the BT router and the iApollo app but perhaps there are better solutions out there. It would also be useful to know which cameras to purchase. Not too worried about cost but more concerned about a reliable, easy to use and configure system.



  3. Hi Folks


    New to the forum. I work in IT and will be helping a friend upgrade his CCTV system so no doubt ill have lots of questions.


    Looks a good forum with lots of interesting info. CCTV is all new to me so I have lots to learn. Will post my first question (of many probably ) in the appropriate forum just now.
