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Posts posted by bucklock

  1. To everyone,


    I cannot answer everyones questions tonight. But I will send DVR_Exp a picture of mine. I think it is legit, but I am not sure. Mine came with like 6.0 software but a manual for something else. Mine told me to execute Drvinst.exe from the driver folder. Well that file did not exist anywhere on the CD. But anyway, it is working. For some reason the people I did this for act like little kids in a candy store.


    What I was complaining about is that the chips going from 8 to 16 cameras should not cost that much more if it is all in the Atmel chip and the I/O chip. I am almost positive that is all it is on the Geo cards. The GV900-8 card already has everything on it to make it a 16 camera card, but they replace these 2 chips for one or the other. If I am wrong, let someone tell me. I am not complaining about the people that write the software for all of this to look good and work. But it does not take much to program an Atmel chip, so do not tell me that. The interface to make it all work is different, and I respect you guys. I just want someone to tell me that there is a big difference in the GV900-8 and the GV900-16 as far as hardware.


    Thanks again for everyones help. I would like to respond to everyone tonight, but I think I have had to much Ice Tea to drink tonight and I have got to go.

  2. I am sorry to everyone that helped me. I read stuff and everything. I was in a hurry, and the people I am doing this for wanted more audio than Video Insight had. Thanks for your input Thomas. I ended up getting a GV900-16 card. Thomas, I will still check on your products.



    I wish you would have got back to me sooner and I would have bought from you. I like the card I got, but I could have got it cheaper, (not your price) right here in Tulsa. I called Geovision and asked them for someone to buy from in my area. They told me to call someone from Texas that the prices really sucked. When I found out about this place right here, they was pissed off when I told them what happened. This place right here was cheaper than the place I bought the card from. ( I know how that goes )



    I also noticed that my card had stickers over 2 chips. I could tell that one was an Atmel chip. The other is probably just an I/O chip. Probably $4.00 Dollars in chips at the most. But they want to charge $200.00 and more for these cheap little chips. Atmel chips are programmable, and if that is all they do, then charging that much more is just not right.



    I respect you, I am just amazed at what this will do. I hooked up 4 cameras. Some that was cheap to some better ones. All looked good. I also looked at an Altel card or something like that. They had a much better interface. My card that I got and the manual for installing it did not match. The manual told me to execute a file that did not even exist. The software used in Geovision sucks in my point, but it is a good card. Let me say the support for the cards suck. I can tell you that if you followed the directions in the manual that I got with the card, you would never get it to work.



  3. VST_Man,


    Thanks for the response. I am building a good computer. I do not like Dell computers. I know their higher end computers are supposed to be better, but I have even had problems with high end Dell Servers. We would try to get customers to get Compaq servers, but some would get Dell because they were cheaper. We always had problems with the Dells. But they could be better now. I still hate their cheap home computers.


    Camaras. I am going to look at some today. I think this place sells GE products. There is not many places in my area to buy stuff from. I think I will go with the Video Insight board.


    Thanks again,



  4. I am building a computer with either a Geovision or Video Insight board. I am getting the 16 camera model at 240 FPS. There is so many cameras it is driving me nuts. While the store is open, lighting would not be a problem. When it is closed, it still has lights on at the store, just not as many. The system they already have does not have the cameras hidden. They only are going to hook up 8 cameras at this time, but want the 16 camera cards incase they want more cameras. Would like a nice camera that costs between $125.00 to $200.00 apiece including the price for a verifocal lense. I have read that GE makes good cameras. Do they have anything good in this price range? If somebody could sell me a good 10 camera setup for $2000 dollars or less, I would take it.



  5. Thanks Thomas.


    It is just a little more expensive than the GV900 I was looking at. But like I said, the prices on the Geovision cards vary greatly. I have got to figure out what to do because the customer is wanting it done as soon as possible. It sounds like I would get better support with the Video Insight. I just had not looked into it until today. Does it pretty much do the same stuff as the Geovision board or do you know?

    Thanks again.



  6. I was set on buying a Geovision GV900-16, but cannot find a reliable place to buy the board. I called Geovision and they told me they had a dealer in Texas, so I looked at their website. They did not have any GV900's on their website. Also, I have found many places that sell them over the Internet and it is amazing how much the price varies. So now I am looking at the Video Insight V240.


    Thomas, do you think you could send me some pricing on your cards? I would greatly appreciate it. The place that wants the system installed wanted it done last week. So the sooner I can get something the better.




  7. Rory,


    I live in an airplane hanger with a two floor aprartment built inside. I use the hanger for all kinds of things. In the winter, girls come here and practice pitching fastpitch softball. I also have a band that practices in here 3 times a week. I am looking for a good card to put into a computer that I can record the band when they practice and to make a CD if they want. I have looked at a few and am just wondering if you have done any kind of this stuff.



  8. Thomas,


    I looked at your Website. It looks good. I will check more into your stuff. One thing though, I do not like Dell computers. I could go on forever about them, but I will not. I like their laptops, but do not like their PC's. Kind of like how I hate the traffic in Houston. Those illegal street racing things are kind of neat in Houston, as long as nobody gets hurt. It is kind of like going to a car show in some business district in the late night.



  9. DVR_Expert_Australia


    Thanks again for your advice. I seen one of your posts about how to learn this stuff. I know how to wire houses for all networking and phone systems and all that. I never wanted to get into security, alarms and such. I have the A+ and I am also Citrix Network Administrator certified. It does not do you much good when all the big companys that use Citrix goes out of business. Tulsa is in a big hurt right now. I used to just do networking for big companys, but all the big ones bit the dust. I do not take much into being Microsoft Certified. Here you have a bunch that do not know anything. They get certified, but still do not know what they are doing. I used to be a System Admin. for HEB Grocery in Texas. All of our mission critical stuff ran off Unix. I also had to admin for the Windows Servers that was running Citrix. We had Windows/Citrix Servers and Sun Solaris Servers in each store. I love Unix and Linux, but we all have to live in a Microsoft world. HEB could afford not too. I could still move back to Texas, but I really do not want to. HEB was good to me and I learned so much there it is unreal.


    Sorry I rambled on, but thanks. I think I will like this business. I just need to find who all I can trust. Plus, I will keep reading.



  10. Still trying to decide on how to build computer. I am starting to think about SATA Raid. I am looking at two system boards, one from Intel and one from Asus.


    Intel system board D865GBFLK

    Asus system baord P4P800SE with the 865PE chipset


    Both support SATA Raid. I will probably go with the Intel board unless people tell me different.


    Do I even need Raid with a GV-900 with 9 cameras running. Would I be okay with a 40 gig hard drive for the operating system and a 250 gig drive for geo? If I use Raid, I have room for expansion if ever needed. I am even thinking of a Gig of Ram. The SATA drives are more expensive. I could just start out with the 250 gig hard drive and 512 of RAM and see how it works. If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.



  11. DVR_Expert_Australia,


    512 Meg DDR Ram 400 Mhz

    A case that supports multiple fans

    Also, is there really a need for DVD /RW? I know you need one or the other, DVD/RW or CD/RW. The Sony DVD/RW costs me $100.00 and the Sony CD/RW costs $35.00.


    Thanks for the reply and I would be interested in buying the card from you. I am not sure what cameras to use yet. Maybe you might have the cameras I could use also. Thanks again.



  12. I live in the Tulsa, OK. area. Have not had much luck yet finding a place to buy Geovision card locally. Will probably have to do it over the internet. Still trying to find the cameras to use also. It will be in a convenient store. No cameras near the pumps. Will be using 9 cameras. Can anyone see any problems with this PC I plan to build?


    Pentiun 4 2.8 gig 800 Mhz front speed bus

    Intel systemboard D865gblfk

    1- 40 gig HDD

    1- 250 gig HDD

    Sony DVD-RW

    GeForce video card with 128 Meg


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


