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Posts posted by Pedulla

  1. Just a linux solution; sorry no mac here...


    Firefox in Wine works for me on my Mint 17.3 (Mate) field machine.

    Use Play-on-Linux to setup a separate environment and install the camera specific web components in the Wine prefix setup for this application.


    Depending on the graphics chip set, you may have to deal with some repaint issues.



    BTW, the IE9-W7 thing does work great and converts directly to VMWare if your so inclined.

  2. Issue discovered.


    It's the Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) setting in the image enhancement section of the camera's config.

    With DNR on and a setting over 50 the ghosting becomes intolerable.


    The 3M cameras do not have this problem, so you'll just have to deal with the noisier picture of the 4M cams in dusk to dark conditions. This also means, in my case, fiddling with the motion detection array of settings to not trigger on the noise. ZM's pretty good for that.


    Hope this helps someone else from pulling their hair out.

    That's all folks, I'm out.

  3. Zoneminder 1.28.1




    Free $$$ (although donations are greatly appreciated) and open source


    1) simultaneously RTSP record - YES

    2) motion detect (it will be perfect to detect from the same stream because my 2MP cameras has 2nd stream with only 800x600) - YES (linked monitors)

    3) shows movies/screenshots when motion was detected - NOT SURE I UNDERSTAND

    4) possible to upload screenshots to FTP when motion was detected - YES


    5) [optional] remote client/web client - YES

    6) can work on Windows or Linux, - YES, linux server, web client on any platform, many mobile clients.

  4. That's a really good question.

    The artifacts that look like compression issues could be an error in the decompression...


    My observations were views from the NVR (zoneminder). The camera network is physically isolated so I'll need some volunteers to wander around the scene while I watch the web interface directly.


    It's a non-profit gig, so helpers should be easy to come by.


    For the time being, I'll put this one on hold and report back on my findings.

  5. Just put in a couple of the new 4mp cams. Both are exhibiting the same symptoms.

    As someone move across the scene, their image ghosts behind them, trailing the motion, not a smear from to long an exposure.

    The ghosted images slowly fade in about 4-6 frames. (running 4fps)

    The ghosting occurs on both streams.

    Almost like a compression algorithm glitch.

    When the scene is still, image crystal clear.


    I messed with various exposure and smoothing settings, no change.


    Anyone else have this problem with the new 4mp cams?


    For the record I have have several of the 3mp in play and working great.


    Any ideas?
