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Posts posted by Pittmancnp27

  1. Thank You! I will definitely try that. Yesterday, *someone* and it could only be him, wasn't me or my husband, no one has keys, came in, let my dog out of the house and unlatched a lesser used door that latches from the inside. So came in one way, and unlatched a different door that I put a big hook latch on the inside and let the dog out in the process. Nothing taken. I am positive she was in when I left. Cameras were of course, offline.

  2. So sorry if this is long but here goes! For 30, yes, 30 years we have had a peeping Tom! We have never been able to catch him with adequate photographic proof to convict. I have grown up, parents passed, inherited the house, and he is still peeping!

    I have 4 cameras set up, hard wired, not wireless, going to a DVR. They are remotely viewable by other devices, cell phone, etc., by wireless router. Every time I KNOW he is out there, dogs barking, noises, my cameras say cannot connect, network unavailable.

    2 nights ago my sister was watching from another state and when she turned them on, he was sitting crouched in the woods 20 feet from my kitchen window, 2 cameras pointing at that area (a small overlap because I know he frequents that particular area) She called to wake me up and as she was calling he ran off! No way he could hear my phone (I'm sure he can pick up my cell, a whole different story, all us neighbors are trying to prove it). Her cameras went offline at that moment and mine wouldn't sign in. Network unavailable.... I crept downstairs and rebooted quickly. She texted the exact minutes she saw him. I did playback the next morning and here comes my cat from his yard (another story, he likes trophies, our pets) then, his security light comes on, next I can see barely visible his flashlight at the end of my driveway. Then it come to the time my sister said and...!!!!! The cameras shut off for 20 minutes!!!! How is that possible?!! She saw him couching there and running away but none of that is there. Its all gone! Just 20 minutes gone! I know you can jam a wireless, and take a laser to a camera, but there was no light in the camera, these are not wireless, how could this have happened? Any ideas? And any ideas on how it can be prevented?

    The police are useless. They say they have been told to look the other way because he is mentally challenged, but he is not! He is a pervert, and the district attorney told all of us neighbors that we have to have photos/video of his face on our property. His making my lunch and leaving it on the counter, or taking our underwear is not good enough. Unsure if he has family at the PD. How can I catch him? Also, is there anyway to hide the night shot red light that emits from a trail camera?

    Thank you so much!
