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Posts posted by MrPink1911

  1. Yeah, upgrading the cameras will necessitate an NVR upgrade as well... And your points are well taken, I guess my goal is to increase the chance from zero to something slightly greater with a recognizable face... The lighting is adequate up to the side of the vehicles facing my house but drops off dramatically as you get out into the street...

  2. Hello everyone, new to the forum, first time poster...


    In response to ongoing issues with thefts from vehicles in my neighborhood , I installed a 4 camera system at my home. I've included a link below that shows a typical attempt on my vehicle:



    As you can see, the face of the perpetrator is unrecognizable and I aim to fix that...


    What can be done to solve this problem? The camera is a Hornet 4.0 from Security Camera Warehouse, a 4mp camera at 20fps with a claimed IR vision to 100 feet. The camera is mounted approximately 10 feet above the ground and the far side of the parked vehicles is 25 to 30 feet away.


    My initial plan is to install brighter motion activated lights. If you notice when the motion lights activate the image sharpens up considerably, however I don't think the lights I'm using push enough light out into the street where my subject is walking and therefore I'm not getting the necessary resolution...


    I could zoom the camera in tighter on the vehicles, but then I'd lose field of view... I've often captured attempts on my neighbors' vehicles and a tighter shot would prevent me from seeing that part of the street.


    Right now the plan is brighter motion lights, followed by a camera upgrade to 4K with 150feet IR range, maybe a tighter shot on the vehicle with a PTZ overhead to cover the panerama...


    Y'all's ideas and experience would be most welcome!
