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Posts posted by heroboi1

  1. I currently have a PC NVR setup. But will face crashes from time to time.

    Also haven't been able to figure out a way to display cameras in the lobby for guests to see they are being surveilled. also haven't been able to allow my GM to access the video feed with permissions. Right now it records everything and i don't want her to have access to view all feed and delete any feed.


    The property is exterior. 4 buildings over 3.5 acres. Pretty much want cameras to view activity infront of guests rooms, maintenance shops, vehicle entry exit points, lobby. LPR would be great if possible.


    Would i be able to use my old cameras for h.265? or would i have to change them out too?

  2. Hello all,


    Had a question. any and all advice would be appreciated. I need to setup about 30-40 cameras for a hotel property. I am currently running about 9 hikvision cameras via bluiris. This has been good for the time being but as i scale up i need a proper NVR to handle the cameras for the property. I have been searching for NVRs from different manufactures and haven't been able to choose one and wanted to ask for help with regards to what i exactly need.


    After i have the cameras installed the things id like to be able to do are.


    1. Have my GM thats on site view activity from the night before. Ideally some sort of easy system where she can go through the activity from the night before and be able to digitally zoom in on certain areas if there was activity occurring. Would ideally like this to be very easy to do (my GM isn't tech savvy)


    2. Have ability to view my cameras remotely.


    3. Having motion recorded activity saved for atleast 2 weeks.


    These are my there major requirements. Sounds simple but i have found mixed reviews with most NVRs that i have read up about. Reliability would be very important. I don't know if the NVRs freeze up or require regular reboots. This would be the first time i purchase and install one. Before i make the investment I would love any advice. My budget for the total project is up to 10k for equipment.
