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jeff black

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Posts posted by jeff black

  1. Device or resource is not set up to accept connection on HTTP.

    I have 4 IP cameras connected to an Amcrest NVR, everything is working just fine.

    However I cannot view the NVR in Internet Explorer.

    I can view the cameras.

    I can ping the NVR OK from my computer and using network test the NVR can ping my computer.

    IE 11 Windows 8.1 Windows firewall off AV off. Linksys router with DD-WRT I have the IP address of the NVR enabled in DMZ.

    The NVR's IP address is set to static

    I did Google this but no luck, thanks

  2. Hi, I asked in the iSpyConnect forum but no help

    I have a usb webcam connected to my computer and it works just fine.

    I added two IP cameras one wireless and one wired, the frame rate for both cameras is around .80 a little less then 1 FPS.

    I can see both cameras using the set-up app in my phone FPS is OK.

    Also I can't get the cameras to work at all in MJPEG, FFMPEG or VLC, JPEG only, I'm thinking that's my problem. I'm just stuck on this one, thanks to anyone who can help.

  3. I'm new to the world of security systems. I live in a 28 room rooming house. The landlord purchased a Lorex 2 camera VGA type system. Harbor Freight is selling a system like it now with a different name on it. There's only one camera because a few years ago one was dropped, it did not bounce. Last November a tenant who had the monitor in his room for 5 years died, the landlord lives off site. On the day of the 14th this year I was given the monitor, I asked if I could use it because it was off and unused. Well the system fails to record about a 1/3rd of the time, Its inside pointed at the entrance door 15 feet away. Now 5 days later I was thinking of how to look at the entrance door with the webcam I use for Skype. There's a store on the first floor and rooms on 2nd and 3rd. There's a small porch at the 2nd floor level door, I'm on the 3rd floor 20 feet off from the porch. Looking out my window I can see the porch and steps. You know the term "working with what you got" I mounted my C270 webcam inside the bottom of a cut open ketchup container to shield it from the rain, balanced it on the end of a fiberglass pole. Then out the window it went! Installed iSpy, set up the porch as a zone and I'm really in business. Only problem if I want to use Skype I need to go stand on the porch.


    Tomorrow I'm ordering two IP cameras from Amcrest. One outside to watch the backdoor and one inside to get a better view at the front door.


    Thanks from newbie Jeff
