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Posts posted by Grendel

  1. New software October 2017

    Your link is old .... so not working .... what problem are you having ...... it’s not working.


    Are you in the uk ?


    Static ip is better and safer.


    Your dvr will supply you with the viewer .... you don’t need to go China server to use it


    Which link? I've just tried the Amazon one and the one for the viewer and they both work.


    Yes, I'm in the UK. Would have to pay for a static ip, not really worth it.


    The problem is that it's saying the OCX control isn't installed, but it is.


    I found this site as well, which looks like the same and gives me the same problem : http://p2p.corsee.com/


    If I just use my ip address, should it show the dvr page, or is there a specific url to use? Don't have access at the moment, it's all switched off as I'm moving lots of things around.

  2. Hi. Why use a China server to connect to your own system

    Also the address you are using is down anyway.


    Use my-ip at home to find your IP address and try that on your pc away from home


    Because that's the one in the instructions. It's still up.


    Not sure what you mean. Do you mean just use my own ip address to connect? I'll still need some kind of web page to show the images, just connecting to my ip address won't work.


    And I don't have a static ip, so that could be a pain.

  3. Hi,

    I have just purchased this system from Amazon (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01MSMSDZC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for use at home.

    (LESHP CCT camera system).

    I have set it all up at home and it's fine viewing using the dvr plugged into the tv and on my Android phone (even when not connected to the same network).


    However, when trying to set it up on a computer outside of home, using www.e-seenet.com, it just shows "Not detect correct version of the control. click install / Update Controls). I have tried this in IE, Chrome and Edge, but nothing works, running them as an administrator with full rights to the pc.


    It lists my devices in the camera list section, but the control doesn't work.


    I'd appreciate any help with this. If I can't get it working, I'm going to have to send them back, even though they are good cameras and the quality is great.


    NOTE : if this is in the wrong place, please let me know, or move it.


