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Posts posted by newbcameraguy

  1. Firstly, we're a company with a very small profit margin (1-3%) so upgrading the entire system isn't really in the budget. Yes, systems are a lot cheaper now than they were 20 years ago BUT our 16 cameras span 2 warehouses, 1 being 100,000sqft, the other being 200,000sqft and re-running that amount of wire would be insanely costly (we were quoted a bare minimum of $10,000 from a local company).


    We don't need a bunch of state-of-the-art features or anything, we're just looking for outdoor cameras with good enough resolution to see a face if/when necessary, under pretty good lighting conditions (our DVR is of this age)


    Usually, I'd just hit Google for an hour or two but one of the guesstimators that came out acted like he's never seen push type connectors for power before so I'm not sure if that's even a thing anymore.


    Any suggestions?
