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Everything posted by glf

  1. glf

    Mini pinhole/pcb camera

    I know Ktnc square cameras, but compared to this they look huge even though specs may be completly different ...
  2. glf

    Mini pinhole/pcb camera

    Yes, but, none know an alternative manufacturer, just to hear more than a single voice before ordering ....
  3. Hi, I'm loking for the cam on subject. I've found a [mod edit: unsafe search term] (Full HD IP Camera 720P, Digital Clarity CMOS Imageing Technology1/3” MT9M033 COMS; 0,02Lux/F1.2, DC12V/PoE;) 160 $ from the manufacturer. Any opinions or better alternatives ? It should work at night in low light. Bye
  4. Thank You Tom for the hint, but y-cam dome doesn't seem outdoor and with microphone. The company that I have listed is a legitimate one, with advertising on printed security magazines, but they should check their site often.
  5. The question now is: should I trust a company named nemed XXXXsecurity whose website is not secure at all ?
  6. It is very likely that the someone has exploited some webserver vulnerability, I have experienced the same thing. What about the cameras, they are cheap, but ... someone has direct experience with this brand ?
  7. I have found it too on a pdf datasheet on a online store, but forget to post the link
  8. I have done an order for some video cameras and a drv choosing the corresponding camera standard for my location (PAL). The store has responded saying that they sell only NTSC cameras and that I need a converter which will give me a jump in picture quality Now, considering that the camera are only NTSC, but they will be attached on a dvr that supports both standards (NTSC/PAL) why do I need a converter ?
  9. Yes, this is why I can't see a problem in using PAL or NTSC cam as long as the DVR can "understand" both standards. NTSC camera -----> NTSC DVR (records in h.264) -----> Playback h.264 on pc with some software client through ethernet port
  10. Why, If the dvr can handle the NTSC signal ? From what I can understand (I'm a newbie in cctv field) the NTSC signal will flow between the camera and the DVR, and then the video output from Vga or ethernet, has nothing to do with NTSC. This was an "advice" of the store sales rep
  11. Dvr is a CNB HDF1212 4 ch and the manual says it support four connectors for video input (NTSC/PAL).
  12. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    yes, it's just a question of shading, but now we know that this camera exist with the mask version, even though no one has seen it before
  13. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Maybe the smoked version of the glass can replace the mask: do you think that with this one, looking at the dome from 1,5 - 2 meters is easy to see where the camera is watching ?
  14. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Cnb site is misleading on this, because they show images of this model with the mask inside and some without it:
  15. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Rory, from the close up of the camera on the wall, it seems that the VBM-24VF come without a black slotted internal mask, to hide where the camera objective is pointing, or maybe you have removed it ?
  16. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Does this camera come with an internal black slotted mask and smoked glass ?
  17. Maybe some manufacturer do not want to sell to the public with prices different from what they suggest ... Some cameras here have more than doubled their prices
  18. Looks like there are some little price increase on 123security... with the new site. Just look at some cnb products for example...
  19. No, it's from a NY e-seller BTW someone knows the address of Cantek website ?
  20. Thank You very much, very interesting ! If someone know some other model of this kind, please post it Bye
  21. As title says, can someone give me some suggestions ? Thank You
  22. Hi, I see that many store sell premade Bnc Power/Video Extension Cables, ready to use with connectors. Can this kind of cable be used outdoor, directly exposed to water, or I need to ask for a suitable waterproof cable ?
  23. glf

    Need some IR, Light

    Yes, the LDM-24VF seems a VCM-24VF with added ir. The only other difference I've found comparing the specs, are the lens type: f=3.8~9.5mm for the LDM-24VF f=2.8~10.5mm for the VCM-24VF Any idea on prices ? If there is a marginal difference in price, can be convenient the LDM-24VF where you can disable ir if not needed. Bye
  24. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    I was ready to place an order, this now add some confusion I hope someone can shed some light on this matter. Bye !
  25. glf

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Maybe CNB VBM-24VF is to be phased out soon and substituted by a new model ? This maybe the reason why is not listed on cnbtec.com