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Posts posted by mrcheap

  1. Hi All, I am new here and would like some advice on what would best work for me.


    I recently purchased a shore home and right now I only spend weekends there. I do not have WIFI there as it does not make financial sense based on the minimum use. I have an alarm system there but due to the lack of WIFI it's not tied into a camera system.


    I've been doing some research on what's out there. I don't have a ton of real estate to cover and I would maybe only need one or two camera's max. I do like the dome style camera's as I would like to put one underneath the garage door opening as that would be front and center for my house. However if I go wireless, I'm afraid somebody may come up and just unscrew the antenna.


    If I go the POE route my vision is to mount the dome camera by the garage door and run the wire directly to the NVR in the garage. If I go the wireless route I am afraid I may not mount them high enough to avoid tampering. Like I said I don't have WIFI so I won't do any live monitoring, just have it as a theft deterrent and to record events while I'm not there in case something does happen, I can review the video.


    Thanks in advance!
