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Posts posted by gparra99

  1. I have no idea the brand .. it is probably a chinese unit, with a standard system (see the pic). I think it should work with any app, not only a specific one. Usually top brands have their own apps.


    I forgot to mention, it has also UPNP, if I dont set upnp with 34567 and 8080 ports, I cant even access the dvr through web browser.


    It seems it tries to connect, because it says "buffering" instead of failed to connect.


    I was wondering if I update de firmware, the mobile port option will appear.. probably not...


  2. Dear friends,


    I'm having a weird issue, which I cannot access my cams either locally or remotely.


    the dvr doesnt have "mobile port" (the port uses to be 34599), and the TCP port is 34567 and http port is 8080. udp port is 37778


    I can see my cams when using http port, locally (using "Ip address":8080) and remotely (using "no-ip adress":8080). it means my no-ip service is connected and ok!


    port forward is ok as as well, as you can see the attached picture.


    the issue is: when I try to access using my phone (even locally, using the IP address). Tried to use mey, vmeye, asey, lots of apps, but no success. It shows connectin - buffering - no response. I dont know what else to do.


    The app settings are domain: my no-ip address, mobile port: 34567 (using my dvr´s tcp port, because my dvr does not provide a mobile port) DVR user id: user I use to access the dvr, and the password. No big deal, I use to access another dvr and it works perfect .. but.. this one has also a mobile port, not only tcp,http and udp.


    what do you suggest?

    update the firmware and see if the "mobile port" shows up, and then use it in my phone? I dont know...


    I have no more ideas.



