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Posts posted by Cortian2

  1. Another (probably better) option would be to grab an old wireless router from Goodwill (or if you got a box o' old tech junk laying around) and throw DD-WRT or Tomato firmware on it and set it up to be a wireless repeater. It would connect to your main AP and provide network access to anything plugged into it.

    That would be a wireless bridge, not a repeater.

  2. I just may end up with a small claims judgement.

    Against whom? And for what?


    If by some chance you're referring to this forum, you're barking up the wrong tree. The people on this forum are here voluntarily. Nobody gets any remuneration for answering questions here and helping people out. Nobody here is obligated to you for anything. IANAL, nor do I play one on TV, but my guess is participation here is protected under common "good Samaritan" law.


    If you mean this web site, itself, think again: Online Forums, Chat Rooms and Hosted Content: Risks and Liabilities


    If you mean the manufacturer or seller of the surveillance system you bought: Whatever blows your skirts up. Good luck collecting.

  3. collapse,


    You're essentially doing what I plan to to eventually.


    I'd originally acquired our Synology DS218+ to support a DVR app for our whole-house networked TV and DVR solution. Poking-around in the Package Manager, one day, I noticed the Surveillance Station. Did some more poking around and found the DS Cam app for our phones and tablets.


    Right now I have it working with the sole Reolink C1 Pro we have, more for eval purposes than anything else. It seems to work fine. (Other than a short while when they bollixed something up and DS Cam did not work on wireless [cellular] networks.)


    For cameras I plan to go with Dahua IPC-HDW5231R-ZE Starlight cameras outdoors, and perhaps in the garage, and Dahua IPC-HDBW4231F-AS Mini Dome Starlight cameras indoors. I expect to have four-five, total. I'll use a NetGear PoE switch to power them and Monoprice stranded Cat6 Ethernet cable to wire them. (I already have the connectors, boots and ratcheting termination tool.)


    I'll keep the Reolink around as a "roamer."




    Those WD Reds, at 144-210MB/s (depending on size), should be more than fast enough. All going to 7200 RPM will accomplish is to consume more power, generate more heat and noise, and probably reduce life expectancy.


    All of you: If you port-forward to your NAS for off-site access to your surveillance system, be certain to choose strong passwords/pass-phrases, and configure carefully Control Panel -> Security -> Account. Ours has been up only a month or so and somebody's taken a shot at the admin account already.

  4. Hi there guys,

    I have been doing some preliminary research on the question above and came across a tutorial that while not specific to POE IP cameras, it walked you through splitting a single CAT cable to support two devices on each end.

    Hi. Would be best just using a switch



    To the OP: What's the point in trying to do this? Cat5e or Cat6 cable isn't all that expensive. But, if it's an existing cable and you either can't or don't want to run another, a small switch would be preferable.

  5. I've pretty much written-off wireless IP cameras.


    First of all: The common consumer stuff, Arlo, Reolink, etc.: As you've discovered they all have their annoyances. The NetGear stuff is probably the best, but that base station is a show-stopper for me, too. Plus, with most of them, you're locked into whatever they wish to provide for recording. Ideally: They want to sell you recurring-fee cloud services.


    The "affordable" professional/prosumer stuff, Dahua/Hikvision: Wireless communications, but still require a wall wart for power. Maybe ok inside. Not so much outside.


    So I'm just going to bite the bullet, install PoE IP cameras, and be done with all that nonsense.


    That solution also gives me the flexibility to use what I want for an NVR: Dedicated product, BlueIris, ZoneMinder, one of the NAS'. It also gives me the flexibility to swap-out cameras in the future, as I see fit.

  6. So can I run 2 cameras and one power off of one cat5? Thanks in advance.



    You can put an inexpensive PoE switch in the garage and put the two cameras on that, however, then backhaul the switch on one of the Cat6 cables. Something like a NetGear GS305P.


    When you say "Cat5," do you really mean Cat5, or is it Cat5e? If the latter: You can backhaul the switch on that, as well.

  7. Yes it’s confirmed...... hence the reason they are banned for government facilities

    Very well. Thanks for the info.


    Colour me unsurprised. There's a bunch of China-sourced IoT devices with spyware in them. That what is supposed to be security product from China has spyware in it comes as no surprise.


    If you are using hik or dahua cameras with there 2016 upwards software then look at the p2p setup and see we’re the IP address is going.

    I'd actually have to see the User's Manual to know for sure what you're talking about, but it looks like you're saying they come pre-configured to talk to a VPN server somewhere?


    Nothing to do with port forwarding

    If it's outgoing connection configuration: It wouldn't be. That doesn't mean it cannot be defeated at your border router.


    In fact: Today I'm going to allocate a LAN address block just for IP cameras, block that netblock at the router, and move my Reolink C1 Pro into it. I'd do the same with the Reolink Argus watching the front porch, but I still need to use Reolink's app to access that one.


    I think it's about time to fire-up an IDS on my LAN server, too. I'm not worried about intrusions from the Internet. My firewall router stops those. But all this IoT stuff I now have on my LAN is becoming a concern.


    Re: The "old tech" cameras: Not interested in that tech, but thanks for the info.

  8. Hi. I would hold off buying dahua .....


    Starlight is used buy other manufacturers

    Well that may be, but, if by "other manufacturers" you mean "non-Chinese manufacturers": Near as I can tell: Products from them cost two to three times as much, do they not?


    Dahua have been closing some offices in countries the last two months.

    That would certainly be a concern. As would...


    Spy software is the problem along with hikvision

    Spyware in the cameras' firmware? Is this confirmed, or merely suspected?


    I will readily admit that I have my doubts about Chinese-manufactured surveillance system cameras on two points: 1. Product (hardware and firmware) quality. If my experiences with Reolink and Xiaomi are any guide: Expect less-than-satisfactory results. 2. Security. My Reolink C1 Pro, in addition to the MAC address that belongs to it, apparently invents random second MAC addresses, some of which are unassigned and some of which are assigned to other companies, and requests IP addresses for them.


    If, as I plan, I go with Dahua cameras: They will be blocked from Internet access at my border router. In fact: I'm thinking replacing my network switch with one with Layer 3 switching, and isolating them from my LAN entirely, save communicating to the NVR.

  9. Thanks for the solution. Normally I wound hire someone to do the job instead of me. But you can't find a lot of technicians around here. Also the 3-4 technicians you can find are very expensive and not well educated.

    You're welcome. Only fly in the ointment I see is you wrote:

    The distance between the cameras and the dvr will be about 110 meters/360 feet...

    Technically speaking: The maximum distance between any two active devices for twisted-pair Ethernet is 100 meters (328 feet). Going ten meters (33 ft.) over is pushing your luck. I have gone over a little and gotten no more than length warnings from cable testers, but other times I've not been so lucky.


    I don't think I've ever tried to go that far over, though.


    There are products called PoE Ethernet Extenders to solve this problem. Or, if you have a structure with power between Point A and Point B you can just put a small Ethernet switch in there to act as a "repeater." Even if you have to take a slight detour to do it.

  10. Is it to possible to use one cat6 cable and have branches for the other cables?


    Please forgive me for the stupid question

    It's not a stupid question and the answer is "kind of."


    You cannot do it passively. I.e.: Simply split the copper N ways. But you can run a single "backbone" connection to a remote Ethernet switch, and branch out from there.


    So, for example: I have my alarm system, an over-the-air TV network tuner and networked DVR all in the same spot in the corner of the basement. It's at the opposite corner as the computer room. I ran a single cable from our computer room to that location, put a 5-port switch there, and plugged them all in.


    It's configuration-less, unless you buy a managed switch, then it's optionally configurable so you can examine the status of the switch's ports, etc.. (I like managed switches as they can aid network debugging--and security, if you know what you're about and want to go to the trouble.)


    Obviously the placement of that remote network switch will have to be environmentally acceptable for its electronics and you might want to consider a small UPS.


    You can also do the backhauling with WiFi. Say a pair of Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M5's. One's connected to your network, the other to the remote Ethernet switch. But that starts to get iffy if you have a lot of cameras, you're using several 8MP cameras, or the WiFi connection isn't that great, as your bandwidth will be greatly limited over that 5GHz wireless backhaul.


    I'm actually eventually going to do that 5GHz backhaul thing with our µBarn, about 100' from the back of the house. Then I'll put a WiFi AP up in the peak on the inside and an IP camera looking out at the yard. Maybe another pointing back at the house. None of this because I need to, but more for the giggles

  11. If you go with IP PoE, and you're going to bury the cable, make sure you buy cable rated for burial and make sure you remember where it is so you don't later accidentally go cutting through it. Technically speaking: You cannot splice UTP cable.


    Cat5e cable will suffice, but the cost difference for Cat6 is so little, these days, that I'd go with that if you can.

    Why would u suggest Cat6 for cameras runs?


    As I wrote:

    Cat5e cable will suffice, but the cost difference for Cat6 is so little, these days, that I'd go with that if you can.

  12. You're conflating two things.


    Powerline adaptors are used to transport Ethernet networking over power lines.


    PoE injectors are used to transport device power over four-pair twisted-pair cable.


    What you have linked-to appears to be a type of PoE injector, but designed for devices that are not PoE-powered devices, so that they may be handled like PoE devices.

  13. If you go with IP PoE, and you're going to bury the cable, make sure you buy cable rated for burial and make sure you remember where it is so you don't later accidentally go cutting through it. Technically speaking: You cannot splice UTP cable.


    Cat5e cable will suffice, but the cost difference for Cat6 is so little, these days, that I'd go with that if you can.

  14. There obstacles like doors made of metal, a wall,large fans.

    If they're not solid, uninterrupted interference, like a whole wall of fans or cinderblock walls, WiFi might be fine.


    That's the problem with WiFi: Sometimes you never know until you try.


    Is it better to look for poc cameras?

    I couldn't say. I know little about even IP cameras, much less analogue.


    If you can run coax, can you not run Cat6 cable?


    My problem with the cable is the connection with the bnc. I'm not good at it, I failed many times with the bnc.

    Would it be possible to use BNC compression fittings, instead? Something like one of these: https://www.amazon.com/bnc-compression-tool-kit/s?page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Abnc%20compression%20tool%20kit


    Note: I've never tried one of those on BNC connectors.


    Being a networking and radio guy I've got two different coax connector crimp tools, at least two die sets for one of those two, two different coax strippers, plus an F-connector compression tool kit. Even with all the proper tools I agree: Traditional BNC connectors are a PITA. Doing F-connectors with my DataShark compression kit is so easy I look forward to doing them

  15. See this thread for starters: Wireless CCTV with Built-in Repeaters?


    Similar situation and requirements.


    You don't want wireless repeaters--ever. Wireless repeaters halve your bandwidth. If you do end up having to use wireless, ±100m is easily doable in one go if there are no obstacles.


    When you say "some obstacles between," just what do you mean? If you mean structures other than wood, wireless may be out unless you can go over or around them.


    Other than the networking question, I can't really help you, as I'm not a video surveillance system expert.

  16. You haven't yet received much other input, so I'll take a shot at it. Caveat: I am new to this. What I relate is entirely from what I've read, not from personal experience, much less expertise.


    From my reading, the low-light IP camera to beat is the Dahua HDW5231R-ZE 2MP Starlight.


    I've read license plates are tricky, especially at night. It is my understanding special cameras, optimized for license-plate reading, and mounted low, are required. I understand they're expensive.


    That's all I have for you. Good luck.
