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Posts posted by Trioxide

  1. How do I go about changing the directory that is used when you take a snapshot image of the camera video? I have a script that automatically takes a snapshot, using Ctrl 1, for me when the doorbell rings and I need this image saved in a different directory so it can then text me the picture.

  2. I am using the code from http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/GeoWebCam.zip to view my Geovision cameras via webpage on another computer. This has worked great but I just upgraded my computers to Windows 7 and now when I open up this webpage I see nothing. What am I doing wrong? I think I had to install the ActiveX Controls on the computer that is doing the viewing but I can not download those anymore. Can someone help?

  3. I am using Elk Gold for my security system, Geovision version 8.53 for my cameras and CQC to put it all together. I would like to have the system capture a picture from the camera when motion or the doorbell is pressed and text that picture to me. As it is different systems that I need to put together I do not know how to do this. I looked at the jpgs Geovision creates and the filenames are not easy to work with:

    Example for 1 camera it puts it in the directory with the date as the name and the filenames are:




    So I don't know how I would know which file to grab to text to my phone. All I need is 1 jpg file created and it would be easiest if it was the same filename all the time.


    Does nobody know how to grab the current file, video or still, in Geovision so it can be e-mailed or sms to me? I know people are doing that and that other software programs will do this so someone must be doing it here. Would love to get this going.



  4. Okay so I need help in what I am trying to do. When the doorbell is pressed I want to text a picture to me of who is at the front door. Does Geovision create a jpg so I can grab that file, hopefully the same filename all the time, and do this?



  5. No it is not clicked. I found if I clicked the enable the Run GeoHTTP Server that the option was no longer greyed out.


    Next question is where are the jpg files stored and when are they created?

  6. Running Geovision 8.52 and trying to setup the JPG feature but when I go to WebCam Server/JPG the option "Create JPEG/GIF file(s)" is greyed out. The "FTP transfer JPEG file" option is fine. How to I fix this so I can have pictures created when I have motion?

    Another question is do I have to have a FTP server or can the pictures just be saved to the harddrive?



  7. Rory,

    This has been working fine for me on my computers. Thanks for your help. Trying to get it working on my laptop now and I think I am missing some ActiveX, JavaScript or something and it has been awhile so I can't remember and don't see anything in this thread. So it gives me an error msg and I can't see any video.


    Error I am getting is:

    An error has occured in the script on this page.

    Line: 43 (this the code on line 43 - "camx.ChangeCamX(camera);")

    Char: 5, Error: Oject doesn't support this property or method., Code: 0


    Need your help. On IE 8 now and Geovision 8.5.



    since im feeling generous today .. right before I goto the dentist LOL ..


    place this in a HTML file and change the IP and user and pass etc ..


    ---------------- HTML REQUIRES IE as it is VBSCRIPT METHOD -------------

    <script language="JavaScript">
    // add sites here
    function PlayX(){
       // ID, Control, Camera, IP, User, Pass, DataPort, CommandPort, AudioPort, BandWidth, Quality
       LiveXPlay (1, document.WebCamX1, 0, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
       LiveXPlay (2, document.WebCamX2, 2, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
       LiveXPlay (3, document.WebCamX3, 12, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
       LiveXPlay (4, document.WebCamX4, 10, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
    // add above sites here also
    function DestroyX(){   
       LiveXStop (document.WebCamX1)
       LiveXStop (document.WebCamX2)
       LiveXStop (document.WebCamX3)
       LiveXStop (document.WebCamX4)
    function LiveXPlay(id, camx, camera, ip, user, pass, cmdport, dataport, audioport, bwidth, quality, w, h){
       camx.ChangeCamX(camera);           // CAMERA - 0=cam 1, 1=cam 2, etc.
       camx.ChangeQualityX(quality);      // QUALITY - 0=High, 1=Med, 2=Low
       camx.ChangeSizeX(w, h);            // SIZE
       document.getElementById("X"+id+"Quality").innerHTML = quality
       camx.CommandPort = cmdport         // COMMAND PORT
       camx.DataPort = dataport           // DATA PORT
       camx.AudioDataPort = audioport     // AUDIO PORT
       camx.BandWidth = bwidth            // BANDWIDTH - normal="LAN", low="MODEM"
       camx.DisablePWD = "True"           // AUTOLOGIN PART1
       camx.UserName = user               // USERNAME
       camx.Password = pass               // PASSWORD
       camx.AutoLogin = "True"            // AUTOLOGIN PART2
       camx.IpAddress = ip                // SITE IP/DDNS
       camx.PlayX();                      // CONNECT
    function LiveXStop(camx){
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript>
    CONST iCount = 3
    '// **** 4 WAY ONLY *******
    sub WebCamX1_OnConnect()
       WebCamX1.EnableDirectDraw True 
    end sub
    sub WebCamX2_OnConnect()
       WebCamX2.EnableDirectDraw True 
    end sub
    sub WebCamX3_OnConnect()
       WebCamX3.EnableDirectDraw True 
    end sub
    sub WebCamX4_OnConnect()
       WebCamX4.EnableDirectDraw True 
    end sub
    '// **********************
    sub WebCamX1_OnLButtonDown()
       Call left_click(WebCamX1, 1)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX2_OnLButtonDown()
       Call left_click(WebCamX2, 2)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX3_OnLButtonDown()
       Call left_click(WebCamX3, 3)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX4_OnLButtonDown()
       Call left_click(WebCamX4, 4)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX1_OnRButtonDown()
       Call right_click(WebCamX1)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX2_OnRButtonDown()
       Call right_click(WebCamX2)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX3_OnRButtonDown()
       Call right_click(WebCamX3)
    end sub
    sub WebCamX4_OnRButtonDown()
       Call right_click(WebCamX4)
    end sub
    '// dont edit below here
    sub super_res(camx)
       If camx.ChangeQualityX(130) = False Then
           If camx.ChangeQualityX(128) = True Then
               Exit Sub
           End If
       End If
    end sub
    sub right_click(camx)
       If camx.FixWidth = "960" Then camx.FullScreenX
    end sub
    sub left_click(camx, cam)
       Dim OriginalQ
       OriginalQ = document.getElementById("X" & CStr(cam) & "Quality").innerHTML
       OriginalQ = Cint(OriginalQ)
       If camx.FixWidth = "480" Then
           Call hide_all(cam)
           camx.FixWidth = "960"
           camx.FixHeight = "720"
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none"
           document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block"
           Delay 0.00001
           document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none"
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline"
           camx.FixWidth = "480"
           camx.FixHeight = "360"
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none"
           document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block"
           Delay 0.00001
           document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none"
           Call show_all(cam)
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline"
       End If	
    end sub
    sub hide_all(cam)
       Dim i
       for i = 1 to iCount
           if i <> cam then
               document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "none"
           end if
       document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "none"
    end sub
    sub show_all(cam)
       Dim i
       for i = 1 to iCount
           if i <> cam then
               document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "inline"
           end if
       document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "inline"
    end sub
    Function Delay(nSeconds)
       Dim nStoptime
       nStoptime = timer + nSeconds
       Do While timer <= nStoptime: Loop
    End Function
    <body onLoad="PlayX()" onUnload="DestroyX()" bgcolor="navy">
    <span id="X1Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
    <span id="X2Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
    <span id="X3Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
    <span id="X4Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
    <!-- CHANGE IN EACH CONTROL: id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" -->
    <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="cover" name="cover" width="960" height="720" style="display: none">
    <param name="_Version" value="65536">
    <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
    <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
    <param name="_StockProps" value="0">
    <param name="FixSize" value="-1">
    <param name="FixWidth" value="960">
    <param name="FixHeight" value="720">
    <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" width="480" height="360">
    <param name="_Version" value="65536">
    <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
    <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
    <param name="_StockProps" value="0">
    <param name="FixSize" value="-1">
    <param name="FixWidth" value="480">
    <param name="FixHeight" value="360">
    <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
    <param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
    <param name="RetryInterval" value="40">
    <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX2" name="WebCamX2" width="480" height="360">
    <param name="_Version" value="65536">
    <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
    <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
    <param name="_StockProps" value="0">
    <param name="FixSize" value="-1">
    <param name="FixWidth" value="480">
    <param name="FixHeight" value="360">
    <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
    <param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
    <param name="RetryInterval" value="40">
    <span id="br1"><BR></span>
    <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX3" name="WebCamX3" width="480" height="360">
    <param name="_Version" value="65536">
    <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
    <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
    <param name="_StockProps" value="0">
    <param name="FixSize" value="-1">
    <param name="FixWidth" value="480">
    <param name="FixHeight" value="360">
    <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
    <param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
    <param name="RetryInterval" value="40">
    <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX4" name="WebCamX4" width="480" height="360">
    <param name="_Version" value="65536">
    <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
    <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
    <param name="_StockProps" value="0">
    <param name="FixSize" value="-1">
    <param name="FixWidth" value="480">
    <param name="FixHeight" value="360">
    <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
    <param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
    <param name="RetryInterval" value="40">
    <input type="Submit" name="Disconnect" value="Disconnect" onClick="DestroyX();"> 

  8. I had that problem too and if I didn't have Geovision running then the computer would run fine but if it was running then the pc would lock-up every day or so and I would not get a display and the internet was jammed so no other computer could use it. Tried many different things, even a different card for Geovision to no avail. Then on the off chance I formated the HD and started from scratch and the computer has been running perfectly with the same software as before. So not sure what the problem was but ...

  9. I tried these tips and that works. But . . . My webserver does not work when Geovision is running as a service so I can not see my cameras over the web which I do a lot. Actually I am using CQC and view my cameras via a webpage. Is there a way around this so my webserver is working properly too?

  10. Are there any other options? The CQC software is running on the same computer and it seems silly to have an IO box for output for Geovision and then another IO box for input for CQC. Can Geovision trigger CQC via software, registry, write file to HD, etc???

  11. You should connect the IO box to zones on your Elk.


    I may not get the Elk security system right now but do want the Geovision integrated with my CQC server software. Can I use just the GVIO box or do I need one for output and then another for the CQC to read as an input? Want just 1 IO box to work with both if possible. Can I tie an output on the GVIO box to the input of the same box and then have CQC be able to read that input as the output of the Geovision?

  12. Looking to use my Geovision GV-850 card and would like to have the Geovision software trigger CQC if an event happens, like motion on cameras. Looks like software doesn't work so I am planning on purchasing the GVIO USB box and was wondering if anyone has used this? Will it work for what I want it to do? Will it send an output to the IO Box and then CQC can see that trigger and respond to it? Any help would be appreciated.

  13. I was hoping to avoid having to purchase more hardware. Is there no way I can do it via software as I have both the Elk and Geovision on the same computer? If not then what would you recommend I purchase for my IO card, don't need many ports as only a few cameras.

  14. Anybody using Geovision and have it integrated with Elk? Looking to purchase a Elk M1 Gold security system with the ethernet connection. I have GV-850 card and would like to have the Geovision software trigger Elk if an event happens, like motion on cameras. Would love to know if there has been an success with this via software or do you have to purchase the IO card to get an output? Would love to do it via software and not have to purchase an addtional output card for the Geovision system.

  15. I have GV-850 card and would like to have the Geovision software trigger an virtual com port, like motion on cameras. Found a program to give me virtual serial ports. How can you get Geovision to see one of those ports? I can see the port but Geovision wants a Device also, like the PT811 or GVIO, which I don't have. Anybody do anything like this before? Will this work for me so I can send an output via the virtual port? Would love to know if there has been an success with this via software or do you have to purchase the IO card to get an output, and then input?

    Just wanting Geovision to trigger based on an event and then be able to read that trigger on the same computer, via a com port most likely as my other program can read that (CQC).

  16. where is that exactly?


    gone, for now. I have more tweaks to add and a couple to remove so I took it offline, if persons are interested in starting the project again, let me know and we can do it, yes we can


    I would be interested in it as I need to speed up my computer as pretty slow.

  17. Found a program to give me virtual serial ports. How can you get Geovision to see one of those ports? I can see the port but Geovision wants a Device also, which I don't have. Anybody do anything like this before? Will this work for me so I can send an output via the virtual port and then CQC can see it?

  18. Charmed Quark windows automation software and touchscreen designer, I have done a couple few.


    Edit: With Geovision would will most likley need an IO controller. That or sniff the COM port connected to one.


    I just sold a Geo system to a CQCer last night as a matter of fact. lol


    What do you mean by sniff a COM port? WOuld like to get by without purchasing a IO controller. Is there a way to invoke a command in software that CQC could see as they are both on the same computer.

  19. Anybody using Geovision and have it integrated with CQC? I have GV-850 card and would like to have the Geovision software trigger CQC if an event happens, like motion on cameras. Would love to know if there has been an success with this via software or do you have to purchase the IO card to get an output?

  20. What type of computer is it?

    Speed should be the same.


    Anyway, you could change the "LAN" to "MODEM"

    Set to quality of 2 as you have


    You can also disable direct draw and that speeds it up just a tad:


    Replace: (all WebCamX's)


    EnableDirectDraw True




    EnableDirectDraw False


    It is a tablet pc running at 1000MHz. The wireless connection gives me a speed of 54 Mbps. Did the changes you suggested and I still don't see anything. I have it set right now for just 1 camera so not as much data would be coming through.

  21. First on the PC, add the ports to the Windows Firewall, or disable it (not recommended).


    In the Router's Application and Gaming section for Port Forwarding, add all the ports there also ..


    Unless you changed the ports in the Webcam Server section:

    80, 4550 and 5550


    For port forwarding on the Router:




    That didn't work. Saw somewhere about reinstalling GeoVision so I did and now it is working. Go figure.


    By the way do you have a scaled down version of your script so I could see the cameras via a wireless computer on 11g? Tried with the quality on 2 and the size real small but still do not see anything but blue in the windows.

  22. What resolution are you recording in, I think you can only record audio in a couple of resolutions with Version 7.


    Try changing the resolution to 640x480 SW, under Video Source.


    That was it. Thanks

  23. try to re-install your sound card driver. when sond card driver isn`t ok thats happening.


    Sound card is working great. Playing music and other stuff off of it and no problems.
