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Posts posted by AVCONSULTING

  1. 1st regarding Mace as someone posted they are past due on their filings and could be delisted from the stock exchange. 2nd they are having some major immigration problems with their car wash division which is siphoning off funds and manpower from their security side. Management has to get the car wash problem under control fast and they really have little time to spend on the security products.


    As far as import products go, outside of Japanese products (many of which are built in Korea) the Korean CCTV, especially DVRs is pretty high quality and SOTA. You are finding that the Korean govt has encouraged Korean companies to become world leaders in DVRs and security products and that they make some pretty good stuff at very reasonable prices. The best way to buy the stuff though is from branded American companies (for the U.S. of course). That way when you need help you have an American based company to deal with (Mace being an exception right now). You can usually get similar products from several sources at similar pricing so choose someone who gives you good customer service, and if they are in your area all the better.


    Taiwanese products are next best level and mainland China are the worst right now. They are improving though and may someday be the best bargain. Most Mace products are Taiwanese and Chinese, although I'm not sure about the DVRs. Someone here used to work for Mace so they might have a better line on where they are made.

  2. Northern booth was nice, although the basketball theme may be time to change. How many booths actually had a working bar? Now that is an interesting idea. I only wish they had coffee in the morning though. The company sure has grown over the last couple of years. Congratulations on a good show, looked like everyone in the booth was having a good time.

  3. Don't forget Unix, your good buddies who like to give things away for free.

    I doubt if Song has a corporate jet, maybe a corporate KIA. MACE if you take a good look at their financial filings has so much under the table stuff going on you wonder how they even stay in business. Their stock price certainly reflects the unease from the financial community.

  4. Are you talking about the camera at Richardson? The Capture camera? Extremely expensive and you also have to get some type of special recorder or software. The whole thing costs a fortune. I think you could buy about 6 PTZ domes for the same price. How did they get best of show?

    Who decides what products are eligible for the various awards?

  5. Are we getting terms confused? Back focus is rarely needed in my experience (the actual moving of the chip or lens mount). I think people are talking about focusing a lens at night vs being focused during the day and this is in reference to auto iris lenses.

  6. Unfortunately in most cases when using a VGA output you will not get as good as picture on the computer monitor as you would on a composite video monitor. Try setting the DVR resolution to it's highest resolution and biggest picture size and that might help, although it will also use up more hard drive space.


    You'll find that embedded systems that use composite video outputs instead of VGA outputs almost always show better. I'm not sure of the technical reason for this but I'll bet that someone here can give a more detailed explanation as to why the digital picture just doesn't give you the same sharpness and contrast as a composite/analog picture.

  7. Sorry, I didn't read the post well enough. Can't be done. Multiplexers will not separate the signals out into 16 individual outputs. Only thing I ever saw that would work on coax was an old American Dynamics system and they were discontinued years ago. You'd have to search for some used ones. Plus the American Dynamics time shared the signals so you would have significant frame loss.


    Best bet is to pull fiber if at all possible.
