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Posts posted by roberjulian

  1. Install the ODBC driver

    To install the Service Manager ODBC driver, follow these steps:

    1. Log on to the Windows server as a user with local administrator privileges.
    2. Extract the reports package file into the appropriate drive of the server.

    3. Navigate to the \Reporting directory.
    4. Run the ServiceManager ODBC Driver-9.60.exe file.
    5. Click Next to read and accept the licensing agreement. The Next button becomes active.
    6. Click Next to select your installation folder. The default installation location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Service Manager 9.60\ODBC. Click Choose to select a different location.
    7. Click Next to prepare the installation process.
    8. Click Install to begin copying the installation files. A dialog box opens when the installation is complete.
    9. Click Done.

    Configure the ODBC driver

    The default installation sets up the ODBC DSN to connect to the default legacy listener on the local host. Configure the legacy ODBC driver to connect to the legacy read-only listener:

    1. From the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Source (ODBC).
    2. Open the System DSN tab.
    3. Select sc_report_odbc and click Configure.
    4. Configure the ODBC driver by using the following parameters:
      • Data Source Name: sc_report_odbc
      • Server: The host where the legacy Service Center listener is running. The default setting is localhost.
      • Port: The port the legacy server is set to use. The default setting is 12690.