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Everything posted by ClosedCircuitCom

  1. i need some free software for a JVC V.Networks camera the model is VN-C30U, im not talking about the software that comes with the unit i need something to record on motion if anyone can help i appreciate it.
  2. ClosedCircuitCom

    FREE Software

    im having trouble finding ANY software that will work with JVC ip cameras. any one know of any software at all?
  3. ClosedCircuitCom

    Test Monitor w/Power

    right now im using a 10 inch portable dvd player but i also need power on the spot. even if i had to make a small briefcase type solution it would be fine because most of the time i am up on a ladder adjusting the camera so i can set it down on the top of the ladder. size isnt too much of a problem.
  4. ClosedCircuitCom

    Test Monitor w/Power

    has anyone attempted to build a test monitor in a case with a 12v power source to power up cameras on the spot. ive been trying to find something like this i wanna try using an alarm battery but i cant find a charger for it and i need something our tech can take up and down ladders, lifts, ect.
  5. ClosedCircuitCom

    Geovision Download

    im looking for version 7.1 does any one know a link to the software?
  6. up to 32 channel hardware compression integrated POS with a good search structure relay contacts good quality remote view looking for higher resolutions and last but not least STABLE
  7. ClosedCircuitCom

    looking for these specs in a pc based dvr

    kangtree i hope your product is better than your website
  8. ClosedCircuitCom

    PTZ with geovision

    does geovision support PTZ with bosch/bi-phase?
  9. ClosedCircuitCom

    looking for these specs in a pc based dvr

    so whats the name of that system?
  10. i think it would be a great idea if this thread could get stickied. ive noticed lots of threads trying to find out what cards people have so i think it would be a nice place to have a thread with pics of all dvr cards and where they come from. ill start off with a few. This is a 16 channel card 120fps this is also a 16 channel 120 fps card this is a 32 channel card 240 fps any info on these cards will be greatly appreciated.
  11. ClosedCircuitCom

    Know these cards?

    sorry the pics are back up my server goes donw once in a while
  12. ClosedCircuitCom

    Know these cards?

    thats what i was hoping phred, i resized those pics too didnt realize how big they were
  13. ClosedCircuitCom

    Topica anyone ?

    years ago ADI used to carry them we used them all the time had a great warranty great product cheap and built in audio
  14. ClosedCircuitCom

    GeoVision Server

    I am starting on a machine that will remotely monitor and record my clients camera systems, jus in case of theft of the actually system they can always come back to me and say hey i just got robbed the guy took my camera system with him and i can pull up info and send it to the police, this machine will also be used for Remote Storage for clients who wish to store more days of video, we will also be doing remote monitoring for alarm incidents. Any know the system requirements for CenterV and any comments would be excellent. Specs I'm thinking of -Dual Xenon 3 GHZ/ea -2 gigs ram -256Mb video card -DVD-R - 4 swappable 400 Gig Hard drives - 1 internal 20 Gig HD 10,000 Rpm -Supermicros Barebone http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16856101520
  15. ClosedCircuitCom

    ISC West 2006

    We will be there all 3 days hoping to get alot of new ideas.
  16. ClosedCircuitCom

    Trying to setup CCTV

    check the BNC connectors usually the first problem make sure no strands are touching the center conductor.
  17. ClosedCircuitCom

    POS Forum?

    does any one know of any Forums like this one but dedicated to POS systems?
  18. ClosedCircuitCom

    POS Forum?

    Strictly POS I am looking for resources my company may be intrested in taking this on as a service.
  19. ClosedCircuitCom

    If you had to Choose 1 camera 4 life.

    samsung shc-313na very cheap and great picture
  20. ClosedCircuitCom


    anyone know of any card that will run on a linux box?
  21. ClosedCircuitCom

    Remote viewing

    Most of you are gonna say this belongs in the dvr card forum but just read and ull understand. i have a customer with a GV816 system in 2 locations never had a problem with remote viewing until now he bought a sony VAIO laptop with built in Wireless, he goes to his site puts in the user name and password hits connect it takes a minute or so and a box comes up sayin "cannot connect to server". Now even trickier it doesnt happen all the time he was watching for about 3 hours today working fine he got disconnected went to log back in and nothing cannot connect, also tried at home remember with the same laptop didnt work cam back 3 hours later and it worked 5 minutes later nothing. this is ONLY with this laptop never have i seen this problem anywhere else.
  22. ClosedCircuitCom

    Remote viewing

    only with the browser yes i can use remote apps but vid quality is terrible
  23. ClosedCircuitCom

    Remote viewing

    OS is XP Sp2, he is running Nortons but i disabled it when i tried my self and i still get nothing.
  24. ClosedCircuitCom

    Remote viewing

    all updated changed channels still nothing, even tried connecting with ethernet cable and still same problem
  25. ClosedCircuitCom

    Remote viewing

    ok so tried using the IP its not a DNS Problem remember this only happens with his laptop so it seems to be a problem in the laptop.