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Everything posted by Sawbones

  1. Sawbones

    How about this for a CCTV News Story

    Well depends, I heard they beat up and kill old men in the UK (aka the london riots) i didnt hear about that yeah. we have alot of chavs (council housing and violent) which are scum. and the police are too ***** Always wondered what "chav" meant.
  2. Sawbones

    IP Camera Prices

    In my experience, most people don't want their "Summer House" to look like a prison. You see, I have this thing called a "wife," that has introduced me to the extreme importance of such aesthetic niceties.
  3. Sawbones

    IP Camera Prices

    Yeah... that would look just GREAT on your house.
  4. Sawbones

    IP Camera Prices

    That's just the camera. You need a dome for that if you plan to mount it outdoors. Here's one... another $130 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Arecont-Vision-Dome-4-i-Indoor-IP-Camera-Housing-Dome-/320662832818?pt=BI_Security_Fire_Protection&hash=item4aa8fe86b2
  5. Sawbones

    IP Camera Prices

    You're not going to get a suitable, outdoor-rated, quality IP cam for 200 bucks. I just don't see it happening.
  6. Sawbones

    Test of 3 inexpensive IR bullet cameras

    Those Lorex shots are awful.
  7. Don't know about anybody else, but I love my IP cams. I will never go back to analog except for very specific circumstances.
  8. Sawbones

    Video Loss

    I like the way you think! Sportscenter and The Weather Channel!
  9. Sawbones

    How about this for a CCTV News Story

    no. Wait... I'm in my 40's... how old are you, Rory?
  10. Hi is this the sort of light you have ?? you need to test in the dark (if you cant see light try and look from your mobile camera) put your phone into camera mode will allow you to see if it is working I had two of those exact lights come with defective power supplies... so they actually could be bad... though they did work for about an hour.
  11. The lights do require power... and most of them operate independently, depending on light level. Did you try covering up the photocell to see if they would come on? You could also test them in a dark room, and see if there is a dim red glow from the LEDs.
  12. Are you sure those IR lights aren't 12VDC? Most of them take more than 5V
  13. Sawbones

    How about this for a CCTV News Story

    Oh, I'm with you... I have cameras on every building I own... but mine actually look good.
  14. Sawbones

    some stills from my cameras

    After I set off the 30 watt sirens, I'd run out there with my Machete and make sure they dont ever want to come back the laws on the sun must be different to here in the uk. i'd like so sit in my bedroom window with a gun and take out the scummy families one by one You should emigrate to the United States, mate... you could almost do that in some parts of this country.
  15. Sawbones

    How about this for a CCTV News Story

    If he'd made it less of an eyesore, perhaps they'd have cut him some slack. As it stands, I would want that on my building either.
  16. Swatting flies with a sledgehammer is a fine philosophy... I heartily endorse it.
  17. Sawbones

    IP Camera Net Viewing

    I love DynDns... I use them as my primary email service for my Mobotix cameras. It saves me the hassle of putting an email server onsite for notifications and motion/PIR events.
  18. Sawbones

    IP Camera Net Viewing

    Yikes... you guys make me thankful for my connectivity options. I get >30Mbps down and 5Mbps up, with no caps, and a static IP for 80 bucks/month
  19. I can't think of any disadvantages to a PoE setup, other than the previously-mentioned lack of sufficient power to run a heater... but plenty of IP cams seem to generate enough heat (particularly your Acti cams) that I can't see that being a big problem unless you're in the Yukon. I personally like the centralization of powering the cameras. Hook that switch up to a rack-mount UPS, and you have an instant way to hold up your security camera system in case of a power failure. Mine is set up exactly that way, and it works great... buys the system enough time to spin up the backup generator.
  20. Sawbones

    Video of Moron stealing my baby stroller

    If you can't track down the guy, I'd give the video to a local news station, or to your local "Most Wanted" anti-crime group (lots of places have those). At least get his ugly, thieving mug out there for people to see
  21. Sawbones

    Does anyone recognise this camera?

    Holy rusted, Batman! Where was that camera mounted?
  22. Sawbones

    Video of Moron stealing my baby stroller

    You have his cell number, right? Should be easy to find him... that bill has to go somewhere.
  23. Sawbones

    Video of Moron stealing my baby stroller

    I can't believe the police aren't interested in that... the guy committed a friggin' burglary, pretty-as-you-please, right there on camera... and you have a phone number for him! WTF, over?
  24. Sawbones

    My Home cameras.

    Nice restoration on that housing.