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Everything posted by keefe007

  1. keefe007

    High Voltage

    Why don't you get yourself a nice fiberglass ladder?
  2. Digitalwatchguard.com has some pretty good prices on Siamese RG59 and RG6 cable.
  3. keefe007

    Cable Molesting

    If you don't like dealing with bending metal pipe you could always get flexible metal conduit.
  4. keefe007

    Dual Core Processesors

    Dual core whips the llamas ass. I tested out the latest AMD dual-core processor and I must say, that thing is smoking fast. Don't listen to the people who say "dual core is for high end only." Both Intel and AMD plan to be 100% multi-core within a few years. This is the only way to keep up with Moore's law, which AMD and Intel live by. You can see just how fast the AMD dual core is by checking out our review here -> http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/processors/amd_x2/
  5. keefe007

    Problem with gv600 drivers

    Did you get this working yet? I had a similar problem until I installed the USB drivers for the keypro. Make sure you install them *before* plugging it in.
  6. keefe007

    Communism is breathing strong ..

    We can send the CIA down there and *try* to assassinate him...again. Just ask Bush, he'll do it!
  7. You can find out-of-the-box VNC password crackers that will get you into a VNC enabled system within just a few minutes. That's why its good to limit access to specifc IPs or tunnel over SSH like Thomas suggests.
  8. Smoothwall is an entire operating system with integrated firewall so it has to be its own machine. I think he was trying to say that instead of using cheap off-the-wall routers you should use a smoothwall box.
  9. keefe007

    System design

    What is it about the IR built into the camera that causes spiders to come?
  10. Here's the correct link -> http://www.smoothwall.org/
  11. Also check out TightVNC, it's like realvnc but adds many convienant features such as file transfer.
  12. keefe007

    BNC Crimping Guide

    To get back on topic, does anyone have a BNC crimping or compression fitting guide?
  13. keefe007

    BNC Crimping Guide

    I heard only amateurs use twist-ons thats just a myth, we pros use them also. solder it one time if you really want it to stay connected Rory i think you were the one that mentioned the guide. Do you still have that link?
  14. keefe007

    BNC Crimping Guide

    I heard only amateurs use twist-ons
  15. keefe007

    CPU Temps

    One may be reading the sensor built into the die while another may be reading the sensor under(or near) the socket.
  16. keefe007

    H.264 card

    How many FPS does the card support recording?
  17. I'm looking for a solution that I can administer myself. I have a cage in a data-center with plenty of room in it for more servers. I also realize that this is going to be a large amount of data. The server that I am planning to build will have about 4.4 Terabytes of storage available. Is CenterV2 a free application from Geovision? If not, do you know how much it costs? Do you know roughly how much bandwidth is used by CenterV2 per camera or server monitored? Thanks for your ideas!
  18. One of the main clients that is looking for this needs something offsite. They have been robbed before by *very* smart criminals. A lock-box wouldn't stop them. The first time they were robbed the criminals cut the phone and power to the building, smashed the cameras and followed the wire to the system and then took the whole system.
  19. keefe007

    Geo Version 7.2 out soon

    Now let's see if they actually put it on their website for us to download. I doubt it! Version 7.0 isn't even available for download yet!
  20. I guess Charter is blocking a whole slew of ports for non-static business customers in this area. I have the list at my office, but off-hand I know they are blocking 80, 8080, 21, 110, and 10-15 others. Basically they are blocking all of the most common server services. ISP's these days are going crazy trying to block ports. SBC just recently started blocking port 25 so now people are forced to use SBC's smtp server unless their SMTP has an alternative listen port.
  21. keefe007

    Need System

    Since your neighbors seem so predictable, I think you need to install some booby-traps around your house. A nice dead-fall pit near your basement door or window would work. Another good idea would be an electrified door handle or bare wire sticking out where they would put their hands.
  22. keefe007

    Geo Version 7.2 out soon

    Thanks for the info! Do you know what Geovision's release date is for this software? Will the software work with our current cards?
  23. keefe007

    Donglin Along...

    Since you think that dongles are a bad idea, what form of piracy protection to you think geovision should implement to solve this problem? Of course USB key dongles can be cracked if you have the time to write your own application that could monitor the I/O on the USB port and then hijack the correct data dream, but CD-keys and LPT dongles are even easier for someone to crack. If people keep complaining senselessly about everything then geovision will just do what the others are doing and force some kind of online product activation, which will be a big pain-in-the-rear.
  24. keefe007

    Donglin Along...

    What happens when someone steals the dongle from a DVR? I can tell you now that our customers will not accept the downtime (sending board numbers to Geo for a replacement, etc). Cracking a dongle actualy does not take much effort nor money. Rumor has it that there are "people" that have already done this. scottj If someone is stealing your dongles then that raises questions about the physical security of your DVR server. And someone could just steal your whole DVR server anyways, no software auth would save you there! In the long run, the dongle is a good idea for GV and for us. The alternative would for GV to use a key on the hardware chipset like version 6.1x. People were angry about that because the new software version would not run on cards that did not have that keyed chipset. The dongle allows geovision to update their software without requiring new hardware. I dont know about everyone else, but I'd rather have to deal with a dongle then have to go through buying new hardware and/or sending hardware in for a chipset upgrade! I still have an older card that I can't ugprade past 6.05 because of this chipset crap. Gah!
  25. keefe007

    Donglin Along...

    Microsoft, Adobe, and Norton all are using online activation, would you prefer that? In all reality, some of the most expensive programs out there use key dongles, and they are a good idea to protect against piracy. Most of the time you see the dongles used in smaller niche software companies where the development costs / customer are much higher. Like it or not, piracy is a big problem and you will see more and more software applications that require this type of authenication. If you think dongles suck, you should see some of the other authentication methods that are coming online for software. One company here at Computex is touting its new true "per user" software auth which makes sure that only ONE person is able to access the software by using thumbprint scanning.