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Which is better for remote transmission?Geovision or kodicom

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Hi guys, i have a question here...which is better for remote viewing? kodicom or geovision assuming that they have the same kind of working condition, PC and network bandwidth?

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I haven't tried the kodicom remote transmission, but the geovision is fairly impressive, especially the multiview program- you can watch selected cameras from different sites in one screen (ideal for clients with multiple shops). You don't actually need to install any software on your clients computer in order to view remotely, just bang in the IP and you have it. Also, you have the ability to adjust transmission quality, so you can get faster speeds. I'm not sure how is compresses the video over a network but i know geovision has its own compression method called geompeg4 which means faster transmission and better compression so you can store more video. Also, you also have the ability to playback recorded video remotely, get system info to check if there's any video loss, check what IPs have been accessing the system and tonnes more. I haven't tried the 'remote control' feature from the remote view but i think that allows you to actually take control of the geo system remotely in case you need to adjust some setting. Hope some of this info helped, would also be interested in kodicoms remote transmission, havent tried their products yet.

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beware though, GEO's browser based doesnt always work in anything but XP, at least the newer versions would not when I tested them in ME; can you say crash ... Plus its the ugliest GUI i have seen yet. Other than that it has some of the best PCI DVR specs for consumers. I have recently found some PC based stand alones (embedded XP) with much better specs and look more professional, though cost is very high. Half of these companies only write the software anyway these days.


Heloder sells Kodicom so he would be able to answer that one ..

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