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As a Security Consultant in the Miami I have been using various products since I departed from my previous government career. In this time I have used various systems, Geovision, Dedicated Micros, Digital Watchdog and various others.


Recently a integrator friend introduced me to a relatively new company Innotech Security. Now these guys are not new, the design engineer and Co-CEO's previously ran a large public video surveillance company and formed together to form a true manufacturer. In the last 6 months I have gone from using various products to now exclusively using theirs. Not only because I have had outstanding experience with them but also, as a government consultant I sometimes need specially designed equipment that previously I could not get with any one. You see, most other company's IC Realtime, those I mentioned before and even Mace actually just get their stuff from overseas suppliers and put their names on it. These guys actually design their equipment and build most of it, of course some is assembled overseas just because of cost but for the most part they do everything.


Recently I put information in here about their Hybrid DVR and people who have neither heard of them or used their equipment started labeling their machines as from Nuuo or others. Unless you actually have a machine to touch and work with it is impossible to label something and I assure you that though many of us have been in the industry for many years, every now and then a company comes along that actually is totally different that what everyone is used to or expects. All I ask is do not label or say what the equipment is or isn't until you actually contact them and find out for yourself.


Lastly, let us all remember that we have all seen equipment look identical on paper yet be totally different. The industry is due for some changes and companies like Innotech, Pixim, Arecont and a few others are the real deal and coming up with new and innovative technologies for the industry. Let's take in the information and gather information and ask questions as to what a company may be up to, as information is power.

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