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seek help : Port fowarding on dynamic IP route

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Hi there,

recently my customer request an installation on site, after installation found out that the site is not giving an ISP service instead of having an internet service from third party provider. Which they use a telephone jack RJ11 to connect any of our modem and use routing method setting on my modem with "dynamic IP" setting to online. Problem now is that they distribute a public IP for me to go online where my dyndns on modem update will only update the public IP instead of updating the WAN IP they have. Normally when we use normal ISP they will just update the WAN IP and when we use DYNDNS to point back it will just point to the modem port forwarding port on my LAN IP. So it basically i have 3 IP, FIXED WAN IP, Public IP, and my own Static Modem IP. How should i port forwarding it to capture my IP? and so i can forward it to my DVR?

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