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Want to buy new CCTV

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Hello everyone,


I want to buy 3 cctv camera with 24 hr recording DVR for my office which can record for approx a month.

I dont want night recording.


I have suggestions to buy AURIC, EVERFOCUS, AVTECH, HIKVISION.


Can anyone please suggest me which brand of CCTV n DVR should i buy and why and what is its price in INR.


Also I want a DVR by which I can see the cameras from a remote place, like my home.




[mod note: duplicate thread deleted]

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As for 3 cameras, you need a 4 CH DVR. The recording time depend on the storage of your HD, as well we the recording mode. If you choose continuously, and then you want high quality video, then the larger the HD, the longer the time you record. 1TB HD should be enough for you for a month. If you don't want it to record at night, you can turn it off.


The brands you showed are good brands. I think choose the best one for you is OK. Some one buy things consider quality, someone buy things consider price, while some others buy things consider brands. So it all depends on you!


BTW: Nowadays, almost all of the DVRs can be remote access. And most of them support 3G Mobile remote access.

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If you want a month's storage make sure you don't compromise the recording quality. I would always advise trading off absolute storage time for image quality, after all what is the point of being able to play back footage if the image quality is so poor you can't make out any detail. There aren't many occasions when you don't know you're going to need footage within a few hours or days of an incident occurring.


As has been said already you can schedule the recording to take place only when you need it to save on hard drive space. Also look closely at how many frames you record at. Once again 25 frames a second are of little use if it compromises quality. 3-6 good frames a second will usually provide you with all you need.


In terms of brand I would suggest you pay more attention to the support and back up available. We sell our own brand of DVRs and we do this because it means we know them inside out and can solve any problem someone has either over the phone or via a screen sharing session. We hear lots of stories of people being left in the dark because no one could answer their questions or solve the problems we are having. So I would advise you to find a supplier you feel comfortable with and go with their recommendations because it is they who will be fielding your calls when things go wrong or you have a problem.


Good luck and if you need any more help don't hesitate to ask.



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