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CNB BBM-24F Feedback & Recommendation

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Hi Everyone,


I've been sneaking around this forum for awhile and have learned many many helpful advices from everyone. After an incident that occurred 2 days ago, I'm ready to upgrade my current security camera, again. This is the second time if not the 3rd time that stuffs have been stolen from me and I need your help to put an "end" to this pesky problem.


I currently have a cheapo Q-See PC Card QSPDVR04 that record 30fps shared among 4 video input, I believe. First thing first, would the DVR Card Geovision GV-800BNC going to make a difference? Next, I want to know which camera I should get. I have the Swann HD-420 with 3.5mm - 9mm zoom lens that could barely focus and I've been stalking the CNB BBM-24F camera with FUJINON YV10x5B-SA2L 5mm - 50mm Zoom Lens. What do you guys think of the upgrade?


Due to the environment I'm in, it's going to be indoor mounted but will be monitor through the windows. I need to be able to make out the face and not just a body figure that my camera captured below. Will the camera and the DVR Card do the job?


Currently Owned:




Wanting to Buy:




Thief captured using the Swann HD-420. Forward to 50 seconds on Youtube, or 10:39 on real time.




Thank you for your input.

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...Also, may I add how much different is the quality from CNB BBM-24F (Monalisa) to CNB BBB-24F (Blue-i, XWDR)?



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WTF? Why do people do stupid things like that???


I haven't used this particular camera, but I definitely say YES to the 5-50mm lens. Zoom that thing way in - right around your bike. This way you'll have a wonderful identification, the face will take up 1/4 or more of the image. Keep in mind you should keep the framerate recording HIGH, because with this tight of a zoom, the subject won't be in the camera view for long.


Oh, and you will want the BBM-24F, you definitely don't need a WDR function for this cam. Monalisa chip is amazing!

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I can only imagine your frustration...that is my fear...that I don't have something dialed in with all the effort and miss something.


You can pick up a used Bosch 5-50mm lens on ebay for around $10. The CNB will have good low light, but you may not notice a huge improvement in the picture for the money. If you want to go nuts I'd spend it on a cube Acti 4200 or some other megapixel (even though I had occasional artifacting issues and returned it). Depends if you want the low light.


Also if you use auto iris a lot of cameras default to the slowest shutter speed which may frustrate you zoomed in since it will move across the FOV quickly. Play around and do some testing to make sure you get the results you want. Good luck.

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Ive used both, and the Monalisa Dome, I was not pleased with the BBM-24F. I would suggest if going for a box camera step up a little and buy a Bosch, Sanyo, Samsung, or Panasonic.


Otherwise I find the Monalisa Domes to be better quality than the BBM-24F.

For example one of my big issues with the BBM-24F is its inability to be properly backfocused, plus even with an expensive lens the picture is just not that great. I found the Blue-i Box WDR feature to be next to useless and that camera to be an even bigger waste of money, although its BLC feature is better than most - I also used a blue-i indoor dome and while the picture was not that bad, again the WDR was not worth using. Both Blue-i's I used were the more expensive double scan WDR.


BTW I used the BBM-24F along side 5+ year old Samsungs and although the BBM-24F far outperforms those in low light the old Samsungs were a much better image overall.

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I have a CNB VCM-24vf and it's a nice cam for up close use. It holds and image quite well in low light. That said, I got my first Sanyo HD 4mp camera and what a difference it makes. You can add internal storage on lots of IP cameras and set many up to FTP to a PC, so you can avoid the cost of a DVR.


I have no knowledge of the Geovision stuff, but have used Avermedia NV cards for years and love them.

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I have a CNB VCM-24vf and it's a nice cam for up close use. It holds and image quite well in low light. That said, I got my first Sanyo HD 4mp camera and what a difference it makes. You can add internal storage on lots of IP cameras and set many up to FTP to a PC, so you can avoid the cost of a DVR.


I have no knowledge of the Geovision stuff, but have used Avermedia NV cards for years and love them.

approx $600 diff though, can get 3 x 4 channel DVRs for that

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Thank you all for the positive replies. Yes...the first time that it happened at night around 4 AM, the cameras that I have was useless. I bought a new PCI Card but that didn't help as well. I've decided to step it up a notch and make things right.



I will look into all those 4 alternative. I appreciate the feedback.


I know this question is not in the right place, but it kind of go hand in hand. What card is the right "tool" for the job? Geovision GV-800 is about $350/piece. That's an arm right there.

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Thank you all for the positive replies. Yes...the first time that it happened at night around 4 AM, the cameras that I have was useless. I bought a new PCI Card but that didn't help as well. I've decided to step it up a notch and make things right.



I will look into all those 4 alternative. I appreciate the feedback.


I know this question is not in the right place, but it kind of go hand in hand. What card is the right "tool" for the job? Geovision GV-800 is about $350/piece. That's an arm right there.


And the PC to power it is the leg


Low cost stand alone with alot of features?

CNB have some, or Dahua, Ive used both.

Another one people recommend is TVT (wouldnt know where to get them though, however they are sold under a model by Q-See).

Then there is the more expensive Avermedia units, and it starts to get more $$ from there.

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Rory, I think you're right.


Right now I'm looking at about $600+ for the camera and the DVR Card. Maybe I should just go with the Standalone (non-upgradable) DVR.


I mean if that's what it takes to get the job done, so be it. I just don't want to end up with another junk from Q-See that gives me an image of a recorded cellphone.

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I used Geo also, and with CNB cameras, the BBM-24F and those blue-i actually.

The recorded video is better but the live is not great, the network video quality sucks compared to for example Dahua's network video quality. I hooked up a Dahua side by side with the Geo's (4 Geo DVRs, 1 brand new, 3 older ones) and with 8.33 Geo Main System (8.4 was worse plus needed a quad core CPU so I went back to 8.33), the difference in live and network video quality was considerable. Those were all Combo cards though, I havent used any of the other cards with 8.3+. But like I said the recorded quality of Geo is better than Dahua. I moved to Dahua from Geo though, not just because of that I mentioned, but I can plug in the Dahua and walk away with it recording all channels in under 3 minutes, no PC build or testing or this or that .. plug and play and walk away

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Rory, I think you're right.


Right now I'm looking at about $600+ for the camera and the DVR Card. Maybe I should just go with the Standalone (non-upgradable) DVR.


I mean if that's what it takes to get the job done, so be it. I just don't want to end up with another junk from Q-See that gives me an image of a recorded cellphone.


Q-See sell alot of different brands, now their dahua model IS the cheapest Dahua model, so you might not want that, go up a step and even if getting the 4 channel get the one with HDMI as even if you dont use the HDMI thats the better model.


Dahua does continuously release firmware updates and new network software, so its upgradeable in that sense. I cant speak for Q-See as Ive never used their models, but I have used the same one under a different name, both the same unit by Dahua, and its still a good unit for the price. But you can probably pick up the HDMI one for just a few more dollars.


MACE also sell them, price is higher though, but I think they give you long warranties if that interests you. Intellicam USA (Gen4) were selling them, and a bunch of online stores now also sell them.


Otherwise you will also find the CNB and Avermedia models at various stores and distributors online. You will find alot of these sub $400 stand alone DVRs are now coming loaded with features.

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Rory, you've successfully steered me toward Samsung.


The model Samsung SCB-2000 and SCC-B2331 looks promising although I don't quite understand the difference between the 2.

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WTF? Why do people do stupid things like that???


I haven't used this particular camera, but I definitely say YES to the 5-50mm lens. Zoom that thing way in - right around your bike. This way you'll have a wonderful identification, the face will take up 1/4 or more of the image. Keep in mind you should keep the framerate recording HIGH, because with this tight of a zoom, the subject won't be in the camera view for long.


Oh, and you will want the BBM-24F, you definitely don't need a WDR function for this cam. Monalisa chip is amazing!


I would zoom all the way in but the problem is that I also need to monitor 3 cars in the same lot. I was so frustrated at the quality that I almost went out and bought a sony handycam to use it as security camera.

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“I would zoom all the way in but the problem is that I also need to monitor 3 cars in the same lot. I was so frustrated at the quality that I almost went out and bought a sony handycam to use it as security camera.”


Garbage in garbage out. You are not bright enough to ask for what you want, you deserve to buy the wrong camera again.

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“I would zoom all the way in but the problem is that I also need to monitor 3 cars in the same lot. I was so frustrated at the quality that I almost went out and bought a sony handycam to use it as security camera.”


Garbage in garbage out. You are not bright enough to ask for what you want, you deserve to buy the wrong camera again.


What the hell is your problem? Thank you for a useless post.

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