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Setting up as a new security company...need help

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I have been reading these boards for a while and am in the process of trying to start up a company to provide customers with remote viewing of their business. I am not worried about the installation part of the business, but I am a novice when it comes to the dvr game.


I am looking for a dvr solution that is going to appeal to my customers in regards to quality, ease of use, and price.


Most of these customers would be willing to spend around $2000 for the equipment and I would add my labor on top of that.


I would really like to have a stand alone dvr which is stable and easy to use/view remotely and has 4 channels. The cameras would need to be weatherproof and night/day capable.


I am thinking of going with the Nuvico nvdv-4080N which runs around $1,100 and 4 sony 1/3" "ex-view" color day/night cameras like the ones at http://store.cctvspecialty.com/1soexcobuca.html


Can someone please advise if these are good choices for a good system under $2000?


I really would appreciate any feedback you can give.....

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Hi, Ive heard Nuvico is good, also check out the GE Security's StoreSafe 4 channel it is around the same price range, and has great remote software, which allows a single 64 camera multi view from up to 16 DVRS (any of the GE DVRs StoreSafe and DVMRes), all camera windows are configurable to which camera from which DVR goes where, great if you are doing remote monitoring for a few clients. Full configuration and advanced search features remotely.


As for the camera, its not a Sony, they dont make bullet cameras. Find out what the name brand is, and regardless of that, find out what kind of warranty you get, look for at least a 3 year warranty. These are normally found in well known brands though like GE, Bosch, Panasonic, Sanyo, Extreme CCTV, etc.

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I appreciate the advice. Is it possible to buy direct from GE (long term) or would I have to go through a 3rd party?


Also, do you sell these products? website?

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You would need to buy from a distributor as they only sell in huge quantities direct.

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Finding a dvr is not always and never should be about price. I compete with people around here that on average are around 80% cheaper on the same business. Why? Because they give a cheap dvr with average cameras. I would really suggest finding a GOOD QUALITY dvr and fully explain to them and show them the difference between the equipment the other guys will give them and the equipment and you will provide. I bring my laptop and show them video of other dvrs and ours along with our cameras.

Remember people will only pay for a more expensive dvr if they see VALUE in it. Thats where you or your salesman comes in. Alot of people dont know much about dvr's. Thats where you pretty much have to educate them on the features and benefits of the product you are providing. One thing to remember, Your not selling anything! Your providing a service to people that they desperalty need! So why provide them with a product that is not what they need? I promise you if you find a good higher end Dvr and learn that dvr inside and out and can relay that to your prospects, then price wont be an issue.

If you provide a good system then you will have more referalls! Which means more money for you!

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