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Swann DVR4-2550 + Netgear Wireless Internet Adapter

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I'm very new to CCTV systems and wifi/networking so please bear with me while I explain my problem. I purchased the above kit from Frys in Indianapolis and have it all set up and running. No problems with the wiring, DVR setup or camera install. The salesman at Frys told me I needed the Netgear adapter so I could pick up my wifi from my house and check out the cameras on line. I could not get a direct line to where the DVR is located so that is why he said to use the Netgear adapter.


This is my network and computer config: DVR is upstairs. I have all Macs. 1 Airport Extreme (AE) in the basement getting its internet signal from Comcast and sending out its wifi to an Airport Express (AEX) upstairs to help distribute the signal better thru the house. My AE is also sending a wired internet signal to my Mac Pro in the basement next to it. When I explained all of this to the sales guy he said that the Netgear adapter would pick up the wifi from the AEX that is only 15' from it and allow the adapter connected to the DVR to let me checkout cameras via online. All I originally wanted to do was to be able to view on my iPhone when I realized the DVR would only work with Internet Explorer. No problem. My wife's iMac is 15' from the DVR and adapter and she has bootcamp. She is connected to the internet via hardwire to my AE in the basement. I have set up the Netgear adapter on my MacPro and when I test it on my MacPro it receives a signal. When I take the adapter upstairs to the DVR it only holds a WLAN signal for a few minutes and then goes red light on me. Is the adapter trying to get the signal from the AE and not the AEX and thats why its loosing the signal cause its too far away? Isn't the signal the same from the AEX as the AE? Do I need to go to Apple forums to configure the routers? I'm totally confused and I'm sure you are too by now but if anyone has some suggestions, please help.



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Take the wifi adapter back. The guy didn't know what he was talking about. That device requires you to load a driver onto the computer you are connecting it to. You can't load that driver onto your dvr, so it won't work.


Here's an EASY solution:

Plug your Airport Express in next to your dvr. Make sure it is set up in "Extend a wireless network" mode. Then connect your dvr to your Airport Express with an Ethernet cable (it has one Ethernet port on it) and bam! Your DVR is now on the network!

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Thanks. The guy at Frys said it should work but it doesn't. The airport express did the trick. Now all I have to do is to be able to get everything to work so I can see on my phone. Do you think it will be a problem running IE on Bootcamp? Thats the only way I can get IE.


Thanks for the help

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Nope, you shouldn't have any problems at all. Bootcamp allows you to install a full, complete, install of Windows (or any other OS.) Internet explorer runs just fine.

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