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Dahua DH-IPC-HFW​2100N Focus adjustment

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Just installed a 2100 and noticed that while in daylight the focus is OK due to greater depth of field, in nighttime with ir on it seems to focus at a distance of only 12 feet.


Can focus be adjusted? Does anyone know how?

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Yes, it can be adjusted, and it's a real pain in the butt.


You have to take the camera apart and remove the first set of internal screws, then pull out the sensor/lens assembly. It's then hanging loose while you make adjustments by screwing the lens in and out. It's got a locking nut assembly and you have to be careful that the focus doesn't shift when you lock it back down.


Ideally, you'd be able to remove the front of the camera and adjust focus with it in place (like on the Vivotek bullets), but it appears this is part of the price you pay for a mini-bullet.

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thanks, doesn't sound like an operation I am likely to perform at night standing on a 6foot ladder though, so it will have to wait.


I'll make a mental note of focusing my other bullets before mounting them though

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I typically focus on the ground near my PC where I can take my time and not worry about falling or dropping something. If you want to do it onsite, I use a Pinpoint gizmo that splits the PoE connection so I can attach my laptop and do pointing/focusing at the camera but really more for pointing as I already pre-focused the camera before ever climbing a ladder.


Also consider the image will look soft at night not from being out of focus, but from noise reduction. One reason I'm not a fan of noise reduction is because reduces detail and makes the image look soft.

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