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Milestone XProtect - camera scripting to restart on daily ba

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Is it possible to have Xprotect send some commands to my ip camera so that they restart once a day ?


I have some crashing from time to time and it would be easiest if I could have Xprotect restart the camera automatically each day, it only take a few seconds and the would save me the trouble.


I use Xprotect Go for now, and I have no idea if the software can do that sort of things.

I know my axis camera can be restarted via command line scripts but no idea who to automate it.

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Not sure how to do it in XProtect, but most cameras accept an URL command to reboot, so you can write a Windows script that issues that command to each cameras, then schedule it with Windows Task Scheduler. I have script I wrote that checks each camera by making an HTTP request and emails me if it's not responding.


If you have a managed PoE switch, you may be able to send it a command to reboot itself, making it power cycle all the cameras. May be better as it will power cycle a hung camera where sending the camera a command to reboot to a camera that's not responsive may be moot.


The other thing you can try if your PoE switch is not managed is to get a Wemo, plug the switch in that and then you can reboot it remotely but not sure if you can schedule it.

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