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kodicom with 2 monitor, with diff screens on both

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ok guys here is a tuff one, is it possible with kodicom to do the following

for my business, i have 26lcd witch i use in the office, this is the main monitor to the system, i have 16 cams on it but i want to put a diff monitor for my customers to let them know we are recording, but i don't want to shwo all of what i see on my monitor, i only want them to see 4 cameras so how would you do that with kodicom,

here is what i thought to do, run both kodicom site and kodicom center at the same time, then with extended monitor, move the center to the extended monitor and use that for second tv but my video card could not handel it is this possible or do i have to do something else

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Does the DVR Card itself have a TV/Video output (RCA or BNC). Most PC DVR Cards have a TV out for those exact purposes. You can have the 2nd monitor only show selected cameras and sequence through them for a set period of time.


Not to savvy on the kodicom cards, but maybe someone else will be able to help in the mean time. Another option would be to split the incoming video feeds from the 4 cameras to a quad processor and them to the monitor..but you may compromise video quality.


Oh, and what's the Kodicom Center, is that the actual DVR software? Most of the time you cannot move the software screen on an extended desktop to the second display.

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thanks for the reply

this card does not have ane video out puts other wise i would not have posted this question, you have to use ati card or some other card, there is video center lets you view from another computer, also from same computer, there is a program called ultramon with that you can move to extended desktop

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So, can you run ultramon and only connect to the 4 cams you want your customer's to see. If you can achieve that and keep your local client software running than your set. How far is tha Cust. Monitor going to be from the PC? A 50 or 100Ft VGA cable with a DVI 2 VGA converter hooked up to your ATI vid card should do.

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ultramon is a third party software to move open application to the second monitor, it moves the application ok but the picture sitll stays on monior one it's not working i have to come up with something else,

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which model of kodicom card do you have?


I haven't tried this on a dual monitor system, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. I tried it on a single monitor system and it worked fine.

Instead of using the client software use the web client.


I had the site software and the webdvr software in IE running at the same time and I could watch both and it seemed to work okay.


Do you have a dual head video card hooked up to run the extended desktop?



1. Make sure the webdvr apache server is installed with your kodicom software.

2. On your dvr, push Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F4 all at the same time to exit the software back to windows desktop.

3. Open your internet explorer and type in the dvr's ip address in the address bar and it should bring up the login page to your dvr and have slots for the site code and password.

4. Reopen your Kodicom site software and let that load back up. If your IE window goes under your kodicom window, you should at least now be able to use Alt-Tab to get back to it... Move the IE window over to the secondary monitor and type in the site code and pass to connect up. Then turn off the cameras you don't want other people to see and leave it up and running. Should be as simple as that.


Now like I said I tried this on a single monitor system, as I don't have a dual head card in my DVR, but it worked fine there and I don't see why it wouldn't work on a dual monitor system.

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