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When electricity and Natural Gas get shut off, Propane is your new best friend when it comes to cooking your food and boiling water. I love camping and cooking over an open fire, but a barbeque is just so much easier.

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Actually, you cant use Propane in the middle of a hurricane, as there could be leaks from damage, loose connections, etc. Well you can but its dangerous. Your best friend is a generator, and a microwave

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Well, I was more talking about post-wind, while waiting for power to get restored.


The hurricane itself is minor, compared with the wait for Essential Utilities to get restored (i.e. waiting 5-7 days for electricity and hot or even treated water)

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Propane is also pretty stable in storage and can be put in man portable containers that can provide a few days cooking fuel. It's also relatively cheap.

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I actually left my propane tank out in the storm


it was tied to the wall though, but seems it never moved anyway, thankfully, if we'd got the direct hit alot of things would have been different though, it would have been total devestation.


Yep, 5 days for power, and we only have 300K people here

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yep, actually it was empty anyway as i had a leak previously in the pipe from there to my stove, hadnt had a chance to get it fixed yet, yep, lots of fast food !


anyway, im back in 'da crib' but on my laptop right now. (600Mhz Compaq, 128MB SDRAM, Windows Me), as my main computer has been in the back of my jeep past few days the mother board, etc is all loose inside it. They make this laptop tougher I guess than I build a PC


Mind you this little laptop is flying as i never really use it. It has nothing on it but Internet Exporer. (going blind though)


Still have some cleaning to do here, from rain that got inside. My neighbors generator was going past 6 days so my appt was like the inside of a diesel engine, his exhaust is only feet from my windows. Bleached some of the furniture to get the smell off, wiped walls, all that fun stuff. Got my water on finally this afternoon late, as the pump is a deep water well and needed priming, darn im going blind on this laptop!!!! Our rain water tank is dirty full of sulfur, probably dead rats or cats (?).


ANYWAY - to the topic of this forum, hooked up a WhizKid Color Dome I got from a client, tonight. Not bad, i disabled the IR LEDs as they caused alot of glare (never could get that part of a IR Dome to work good). Color is good and you can drive over the Dome and it wont brake. We even used a sledgehammer on one of them and it didnt break, scratched though. Anyway it was free ....it is 470TVL and its cheap so its not bad for what it is.


Opened up the weatherproof (not so I guess) box to my BW Bullet, full of termites I guess hiding out from the storm, shock in the dark on a 12 foot ladder! Gonna add a couple more BW Bullets and Color bullets over the next couple weeks, and ofcourse a DVR, probably Everfocus 16 channel for now. When I get it all online ill post a link to it. Was still on course to leave the Bahamas, but will again stay for now, a couple large Jobs coming up, hopefully. then I can afford to advertise properly etc. Im looking for investors by the way.


ok thats all now for the hurricance post, as its now long gone


Look out for Hurricane Ivan at 160mph with 200mph gusts, looks like its heading for Key West!



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We have our elections in Nov. The previous elections had a bit of a debate due a combination of the voters (and goverment officals) being both stupid and mentally incompetent in the state of Florida.

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After the 2000 election, I'm never, ever, ever going to the States again during an election count.


When I arrived in California they were counting 'chads', and 18 days later they were still counting when I left. If I had to choose between going out at night in LA and getting mugged, or watching CNN for one minute more, I think I'd rather take my chances on the streets!

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yeah im getting real tired of all the politics on CNN & MSNBC right now!

But it beats the BBC Though, BBC has better foriegn coverage of News around the world. We have BBC International on our Cable TV also.

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