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Everything posted by romfeo

  1. I have a 4ch dvr with an avtech chipset. I have already connected it to my LAN and I am able to access it via Internet Explorer on my local network by entering it's IP address and its port I am trying to setup internet viewing, by doing the following steps: 1. In the Network settings of my DVR I've setuped Static IP Address, etc, Port = 4567 2. In my router I am forwarding port 4567 to the IP address of the dvr for TCP protocol. 3. In dyndns I've setup a new domain and updated it with my WAN IP. 4. If i type in Internet explorer the domain of my dyndns service I get to the page of my router. 5. If I add myport (:port) I get an error for page not found. 6. I've tested with various DNS tools and it shows that port 4567 is open for my WAN IP. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Have also tried: - Setting various ports including 8080, 80 etc with no result - Setting as primary and secondary dns server on the dvr the dns servers of my ISP Also tried all the above with: - A different DVR - A different Router No results. Cant view the dvr from the internet. What am I doing wrong?
  2. Thank you guys. You've saved me. It was that simple. I've just needed to check it from outside my lan.