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Everything posted by Daryl733

  1. Daryl733

    AVTECH 760 e-mail setup

    No, didn't misunderstood you. I understand what you mean. What i mean is that there's no prob assisting users such as you, basically you know how to do everything, just need a nudge in the right direction, or some guides. If it's some users that required a step by step guide and handholding throughout the whole configuration, imho, time for them to engage someone to do it for them.
  2. Daryl733

    Avtech 761 image quality

    You'd done a great job. Am not saying information that you put there is inaccurate. It's just as i remembered in the previous threads, it's basically guesswork based on the features and specs of the dvr in order for us to match models to models. It'll be great if someone form AVTech can just verified what we had tried to guess, as it's their product, their model, and their manual. The manual indicated Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , but their SKU indicated AVC760, CPD-560, etc. We can put in intelligent guess, but at best, it's still a guess. I'd previously emailed AVTech regarding the same issues, but never received any answer. So since their guys' here on the forum, and i am pretty sure a lot of us have the same queries, it'll be good if they can post here which model's refering to which product. Also, as support cost is a major cost for us, would also like to direct a question to them regarding if we can direct customers who bought their product to them for support. It's only fair. Currently, we are not the only local agent who's carrying avtech's product. We had encounter customers who bought avtech's product from another reseller, and expect support from us. It's ridiculas. Since then, we had to screen phone customers to ensure that they are our customers in order to render them services and support. But by providing this extra services, it basically means an increase in cost, compared to other fly by night reseller who just sell and does not provide support to the product. Which customers does not take into consideration when purchasing equipments. So we are considering selling w/o support, and directing all supports issues to manufacturer, in order to lower cost, and charging extra for phone/email support. Other equipments manufacturer like dlink, linksys has their own product hotlines. Reseller only need to sell, and supports are directed to them. But looking at the way AVTech's direct support is, we greatly doubt that they'll be able to provide front line support. They don't even have a support contact (email/phone) on their website. Only Sales contact.
  3. I guess you should be using IE7 or Vista (Which come preinstalled with IE7). Older AVTech's DVR with video webservers uses ActiveX for Internet viewing on browser. IE7 has some basic components changes in the authication modules. It causes some incompatibilty in authication with some applications. I experience it with some other DVRs as well that made use of the components for loggin in. Most of them resolve the problem by upgrading the firmware. But i think AVC776W does not come up with newer firmware to resolve this. AVTech's ppl surf this forum regulary, maybe you can ask them. Also... had been scratching my head over this.. since AVTech ppl frequent this forum... why are we, instead of them... answering all these queries from their users ? Shouldn't we get paid for supporting their equipments ? Looking at the threads.. most of the queries arises from their equipments.
  4. Daryl733

    Avtech 761 image quality

    Yes, i know. But as i said, that's from Scorpions site. And that's basically guesswork also. Since there's an AVTech guy here, won't he be in the best position to confirm once and for all which model is which ?
  5. If you refer to the manual instruction, it actually teaches you how to register and setup a DDNS account. That's what you need. Btw, I am not a moderator nor own this website. So basically you should ask the moderator for the claim to this website. Not me.
  6. Daryl733

    AVTECH 760 e-mail setup

    This.. is what i mean by assisting. Basically the user have no problem setting up the system. Just that certain things are not clear and they need some form of clearing up. Or point to the right direction. If you need to be guided steps by steps to do it, IMHO, engage someone to do it.
  7. Daryl733

    AVTECH 760 e-mail setup

    Yes. Most likely you missed out 2 things. 1. setup the DNS Server. The dns server setting is required, unless you put in direct IP for your smtp server. what dns server does is it resolve your domain names to ip addresses. i.e. you put in smtp.wans.yahoo.com, the dns server will resolve it and give you Put in the wrong DNS server, it'll not return you the correct ip, thus u can't send out your mail. Check with your isp for the DNS Server, and the SMTP server you can use. 2. Set up your smtp server. Make sure it's one that you have access from your current internet account your dvr is connected to. Most smtp server belonging to isp restrict themselves only to the IP addresses of the isp.
  8. Sure. As you request, posting here. ------------------------------------------ From : harsla@att.net Dont need help from dickheads like you ***. this forum says ask questions get answers it didnt say ask questions get a dickheads rant! post this one too ****!
  9. Appeaently a lot of terms you used in the problem description is wrong i think. Best is you engage a professional to assist you to setup. Anyway, AVC776W is an obsolute model of DVR from AVTech. From what I know, they are not in production anymore. PC/Laptop, doesn't matter if it's dynamic or static. If you are connected to the network, you are. The DVR should be setted to have a constant IP. Else you'll not be able to do port forwarding, etc. Either using static IP or using DHCP with a fixed assigned ip, that depends on the networking equipments and setup you have. The IP in the Video Web Server refers to your DVR's IP. But on the other hand, if you are accesing from Internet from a remote PC, that'll also be your ADSL Modem/Router's Public IP, provided that you had done all the neccessary port forwarding. Your STATIC IP, does it refers to STATIC IP given by your ISP ? Or Static IP you assigned yourself in your LAN environment ? Modem Analogic ? What's that ? As I said.. engage someone with knowledge on networking. Sorry guys.. but IMHO, there's only a limit to how much we can help here i think. To do network setup, you need at least a basic knowledge of how everythings work. Coming here, and expect a step by step guide on how to do it ? hmmm...... Refers to what some others had written regarding networking setup in these threads. They give pretty good guide on how to do it. If you are still having prob, i really think it's time to get someone else to do it.
  10. Daryl733

    Avtech 761 image quality

    Good since you are from AVTech...... Have a couple of question for you. 1. How come the DDNS Client of your AVC760, 761, CPD505, 507, 560, etc works inconsistantly ? Some of them don't even update when we check the severlog, and some update but failed, but some are ok. They are setup among different isp, different equipments. But even using the same equipments, exactly same setting, 1 DVR can update proprely, but the other one just failed. I had asked this question before, and your colleagues sent me an email with instructions, and basically in the instructions, it's just teaching me how to set up the DDNS in my ROUTER, not the DVR. And when i asked, he just say use the router's ddns client instead of the dvr. Hard to explain to my client when in your box/manual stated support ddns, but we couldn't get it to work consistantly. 2. What's the recording matrix of AVC760/CPD-560 ? i.e. with 500GB harddisk, how long can it record ? In the manual, it stated Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 without specifying which model's is what. In another thread, we had tried to speculate which model's what, but i think it's better for you to tell us directly. 3. From this post, it can be assume you provide support for customer that bought your equipments. In that case, can we let our customer know that they can contact you directly for support ? Finally...
  11. 2 Wires's quit tricky. Depending on the firmware, you might need to use dhcp instead of giving your dvr a static ip. Else the port forwarding will not work. We done quite a bit on 2wire gateway. And also don't forget the DDNS if you are on dynamic plan. Depending on where you are located and bought the 2wire modem, it might or might not have ddns client turned on. In which case you'll have to use a computer for it. The AVC760, could never get the ddns client to work consistently. Some batches works, some batches doesn't. If you really need steps by steps instruction, i would suggest u engage professional to do it for you. There's no exact steps by steps when it comes to network setup. EVeryone's network setup's different. e.g. 1. What's your router ip ? 2Wire's default is 2. What IP in your network's used if you intent to set it as static. No 2 system in the same network can be of same ip. 3. If DHCP, what's the ip that's assigned to the DVR. 4. If DHCP, go to advance in your 2wire gateway to configure it such that the dhcp server always assign same ip to your dvr. 5. Setup the port forwarding. 6. Assign the port forwarding setting to your dvr. 7. Does your ISP block any ports ? if so, which are the ports they block ? ANd then reassign the dvr port to other ports. 8. Are you on dynamic ip or static ip plan ? 9. If dynamic, set up the ddns clients, register for a ddns account. 10. Are you on any family proxy filter plan where the isp filter your content for you ? if so, you might have to remove that plan else isp will block everything. Too many unknown variables. All instructions are just as a guideline. Steps by steps ? I dun think there's a way for setup, unless everyone's on the same isp plan, using exactly same equipments with same firmware (else the web configuration page for the router also different, some call port forwarding PAT, NAPT, VIRTUAL SERVER, etc). But anyway, good luck.
  12. You sent these 3 emails to me and yet expect help ??? FREE HELP some more ? Go back to where you bought the equipments, and tell them these. See if they'll help you. Not to say you didn't even pay us anything here. -------------------------- from: harsla@att.net fuck you you mother fucker. If you dont want to offer any help than move on to the next post you stupid ****. Where you located? id love to run in to you ***! -------------------------- From: harsla@att.net fuck you you mother fucker. If you dont want to offer any help than move on to the next post you stupid ****. I asked for help not some dumb ***es opinion. Where you located? id love to run in to you ***! -------------------------- From: harsla@att.net come on motherfucker, where you at? Gosh I hope your within driving distance. I guunna tune up that attitude! --------------------------
  13. Well... as u said... you both a swann dvr, call them for support. Most likely, you're on dynamic ip plan, and you had not setup any ddns clients. If i am not wrong, you are trying to access remotely over internet using 192.168.x.x ip addresses. For IP setup, there's no VAGUE instruction. As everyone's using different networking equipments, pc setup, there's never going to be a STEP by STEP details instruction on how to do it. The instruction just tell you what need to be done, and show you example of how to do it. IF you do not understand, that means you are not technical incline to do it yourself. So get professoinal help, or get someone you know with technical know how to do it. As someone who's trying to earn a living selling cctv system and services, i think it's high time that if you do not know how to do it, get professional services instead of trying to diy. DIY is for ppl who have more technical know how and know how to do it without much assistance. Imagine a customer who bought a DVR and say he know how to DIY, so dun need to waste $ engaging services, and then call you 8 times a day for the following week for steps by steps guide to connecting, configuration and setup of the system. It's a real case example.
  14. Daryl733

    DIY Home DVR Recommendation?

    Thought u said you want 7.5FPS at D1 ? Or is it 30FPS at D1 now ? Got me confuse.....
  15. Daryl733

    DIY Home DVR Recommendation?

    Well... you can check out Kodicom DVR. KSR-816, http://new.kodicom.com/Products/Eng/Prod_KSR816.asp Cheaper one.. you may consider AVTech AVC787 or CPCAM - 507 http://www.lakson.com.sg/brochure/CPCam/CPD-507.pdf You made no mention of any network requirement,searching methods, etc... so basically both can record at D1 quality at the framerate you want.
  16. Daryl733

    DIY Home DVR Recommendation?

    Can't quote price here. Against forum guideline. PM or email me. But then again, I am in Singapore. You may want to buy from your local vendor so that you'll have local support.
  17. Daryl733

    Playback problems with AVC761

    I hope by "professional wireless security camera", you are NOT refering to these. Basically give crappy images. And YES, you'll need PAL cameras if you set your system to PAL. and NTSC if you set it to NTSC (The DVR can switch between both if i am not wrong). You can't mix the 2 signals together, i.e. 2 PAL cam and 2 NTSC cam. the one on the wrong signals will give you problem when recording. Basically the signal doesn't syn and the compression will be crappy.
  18. Daryl733

    Unable to enter system config

    Set it on the machine itself through the monitor and front panal. Menu->Advance->Network-> Change the PPPOE back to Static IP.
  19. Cheapest and most secure way for recording and monitoring... IMHO... Localised Recording, and integration vie wireless network. Identify a few secure location around the whole compound. These will be the place where you'll locate the DVR. Cabling from various Cameras around that DVR will be connected directly to the recorder vie hard wire. From there, establish a wireless bridge across to your main building. Same for the other satalites dvr station. Choose a DVR that support CMS. You'll be able to hook up a PC to the network, and monitor all cameras connected to various DVR spread out in your compound at the same time. You'll also be able to download and manage all cameras data from that PC. In this case, even during bad weather where all wireless basically turn crappy, you'll still have reliable recording despite slow tranmission of live data. Ya.. that's what I forgot to mention as well. All wireless tranmission, including WIFI, Analogue Video Tranmission, will suffer greatly during bad weather, i.e. RAIN. as basically the raindrops will reflect, refract, disperse the rf tranmission. So that's another thought if you want to do wireless.
  20. Normally I'll advise very strongly against wireless camera. You can't get rid of the interference, and the images will be forever jumpy. Given that most DVR has video motion detection, this would continously triggered it and you'll get constant event recording regardless of motion. Wastage of space, and also time to review the recording. Plus the fact that most compression algorithum fare badly with images that has interferences, you'll get lousy playback images as well. After highlighting all these, if customers still wants go ahead, of course we would continue, it'd then be a "I told you so" afterwards......at least we would had already give our expert advise. And yes.. about the wireless...... nobody seems to know that wireless cameras still need power... they all think that wireless mean totally no wire. Did any manufacturer comes up with inbuilt nuclear powered wireless camera that i didn't know about ?
  21. Daryl733

    Playback problems with AVC761

    Doesn't matter if you format or didn't format the harddisk. Just pop it in back to the recorder, the recorder will just format it to be use in its own format. This is also one of the concern i have. It doesn't prompt you to REFORMAT a harddisk. Imagine you switch a harddisk with data from another similar model dvr in, and it doesn't recognise it due to maybe different firmware, different model, and just REFORMAT your harddisk.. there goes all your data. Most other DVR that we use PROMPT user for permission to reformat/format a new harddisk...... The FAT32 is meant for THUMBDRIVE backup.... that means if u want to use thumbdrive to backup the data for those model with thumbdrive, it'll have to be formated as FAT32. Most thumbdrive come preformated as FAT16.
  22. IMHO... if you are looking at wireless coz u want to save on cabling.... not really advisable. Coz those within that budget will give you crappy reception and also security or privacy issues as most likely they would not be encrypted. If it's not really of $$ issues why you would want to use wireless, but rather the area of coverage, and the requirement of the system to be mobile, etc that's why it has to be wireless.. then u'll have to come up with more requirement. E.g. area of coverage, distance to transmit, channels in use, legal frequency to transmit upon, etc. But just an end note... these wireless equipments will not be cheap then.
  23. Daryl733

    best gprs\3g viewing software

    You are using the AVTech's Viewer for their DVRs. From what i know, they mainly only test it out on handphone, not on window mobiles. All windows mobile plateform that i tried the software on threw up that exception. You can ignore the warning, continue to run the software. You'll be able to view, but u'll not be able to see the control buttons.
  24. Daryl733

    DIY Home DVR Recommendation?

    Sometimes you may want to set your expectation right as well. Watching too much of CSI, 24, Las Vegas, etc Serials may set false expectation to what you can get out of CCTV System, e.g. unlimited zooming in and enhancement to the recorded CCTV images. From just a 25 pixels captured of the face, you are able to blow it up to see a perfectly clear image of the person, all CCTV video recording looks like what you get out of your DVD movie video, or better still, your High Defination Recording.... Certain things, are possible, but just not feasible, e.g. Some system allows you to record all cameras up to live (25/30fps per cam) at D1 quality. Even with Mpeg4/H.264 or watever compression, it'll still be consuming a large amount of harddisk space for recording. Yes, harddisk are cheap, but adding it up, will it be cheap enough to keep 6 months recording ? At 786kbps per camera for a 4 cameras system, you'll run through a 500GB harddisk in abt 2 days. So 6 months, you'll need abt 90 pcs of 500GB harddisk, abt 45 Terabyte of space. At vcd quality of 144kbps, you'll need a fifth of the space, at 9 Terabyte, i.e. 18 pcs of 500GB harddisk. So sometimes, really have to point these out to customers.... possiblities vs feasibility. My motto... anything is possible... what's your budget ? You may want to post some capture or backup from what you had recorded, and maybe some of us here can comment if that's a ok quality capture, or is really a bad one. Camera wise..... some of the cheap mini camera in dome, ir outdoor housing does give quite a good images (as i call them value for money) as well. You may want to consider them instead of using auto iris camera. With build in electronic shutter, they work both in day and nite situation. Prices are like ard $40-$50. It may be the problem with your lens as well. Some cheap lens does not work well during day and night. The focal lenght's different during day and nite time and that's causing the blurrness at night. You might need to change to aspherical lens. This was highlighted to me vie fujinon salesperson. Just remembered.
  25. Daryl733

    DVRS That Suck

    Haa.. i say the same things.. but appearently customers always wants things as cheap as it can goes. so too bad. Then again, only AVTech/CPCam has this issues. None of the other brand of DVR we carry does it this way.