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Posts posted by stuspick

  1. Hi all (First post here)

    I need some help with my cctv setup.

    I currently have a Kodocom Diginet (PC Based) DVR system, I used to use Windows mobile, however I've upgraded to a Phone with an android OS. The problem is the PDA software for the Kodicom systems does not run on android, neither can I use a standard web browser since it does not support activeX. What I thought would be a possible solution is to install a different site software. One that will support android. I need your advice. Is it possible? and what are the alternatives?

    I think it the system is the KODICOM KRE-301 RX




    I know this is an old post but I figured it might help some people. I was in the same situation you were in and figured out a ghetto way of seeing the cameras from my android phone. Basically this is what I did using a product called Splashtop which is really basic to setup.


    1. Make sure you can view your cameras locally in IE.

    2. Install the Slashtop Streamer on your machine with your Diginet server.

    3. Make your default homepage in IE on this box point to your webserver page webdvr.html.

    4. Install the Slashtop client on your Android device.

    5. Launch the client and connect to your Splashtop Streamer.

    6. You will bascially be in an RDP session now simply launch IE and there are your cameras.


    This will work over 3G as well but will need a bit more work. Slashtop has a page on how to do this.


  2. You can hook it up that way, but keep in mind that you'll probably get a "halo" effect as the IR reflects off the inside of the dome. Cameras that come with the IR usually have a black rubber or foam "gasket" that fits around the lens and snugs up against the dome to block that reflection.


    Ah true, makes sense. I'll give it try and see how it goes.



    before you damage a good camera no it will not work. first does your camera turn B/w at night ??? then you are going to get bad picture quality in the day from feed back from your leds from the dome. as your leds will be on 24/7. then the range of your ir. the one posted is 5m ..... how high is your camera


    Yes my camera does go black and white at night. And my camera is 8-9 feet from the ground.

  3. You can hook it up that way, but keep in mind that you'll probably get a "halo" effect as the IR reflects off the inside of the dome. Cameras that come with the IR usually have a black rubber or foam "gasket" that fits around the lens and snugs up against the dome to block that reflection.


    Ah true, makes sense. I'll give it try and see how it goes.

  4. Do you have Kodicom Standalone DVR or PC-based system?

    What model and make is router?

    How exactly your Internet connection is working? what else boxes are in the chain?

    If you have something like phone box it might interfere.

    Somewhere in menu (I think Connection on Remote tabs) you should find Network settings.

    Double-check all port's you've opened, maybe change port 80 to something else in the menu or in file httpd.conf located under c:\apache

    I've had similar problems with PC-Based Kodicom, but just couldn't remember what was the exact cause.



    My DVR is PC based. I have a Netgear WNR2000 router. I'm using cable internet from modem to router nothing special, pretty basic connection. I don't have phone box. Maybe I'll try changing port 80.

  5. If you are able to connect to http://your.dyndns.domain it means that ISP is NOT blocking port 80


    try to test the connection from computer located on same network, preferably connected to same switch


    you do not need any webhosting or anything like that



    I can connect to my dydns page and I even get the dvr log in page. The problem is when I try to actually connect I get Connection failed. Eventhough locally it works.

  6. I've been trying to setup my remote viewing of my cameras using webdvr and have had no luck cause I think my ISP is blocking port 80. I have port forwarded all the correct ports 80, 81, 8080-8090 and my firewall is turned off. And I'm using dyndns. I can see the log in page but when I try to log in I get web connection failed. What else can I try? Is there any free web hosting that I can host these?

  7. Hi,


    I have a kodicom card on my PC which outputs the video through RCA cable to my tv on the main floor. I would also like to get this signal upstairs in my bedroom but don't want to use cables. Will a wireless video sender work?


    The part that confuses me, is if the signal coming from my PC has to split? Not sure how the connections work for these wireless video senders.

  8. Since the telephone wire has 4 cables in it how many would I use? Just 2 one for positive and one for negative?


    I'd recommend doubling the conductors, standard phone wire can be a little thin for some cameras' current requirements. We typically use the red and yellow together for positive, and the green and black together for negative.


    Thanks for your help
