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Posts posted by FredB

  1. why didnt you get it to work properly?

    When mine came back from GE I just plugged and play, it works right out of the box, for a front entrance anyway, never tried it outdoors.


    Exchanged it for a new one today. Tried it and the camera works great. The old one only showed b/w for some reason. Ordered the Everfocus one today. Should be getting it in a week. I am sure that the GE camera is better built, but if the picture is the same it's okej. I need it for a parking garage facing the gates and really need the night vision.

  2. Yeah, but its Everfocus! Thats like COP-USA, Mace, Eclipse, etc ..


    I personibly don't think it's going to make that much of a difference. I picked up a Ultraview camera last week to try it. Will get an Everfocus to compare. They both use the same CCD. My experiance is that the lens makes more of a difference anyway. A WD cam with night vision and slow capture time sounds really interesting to me. Will post some info after compering them.


    It doesnt look like the everfocus has night vision, or maybe I was readin the wrong data sheet.


    Anyway, as for chips, tons of cameras use Sony' chips but they still are very different in camera hardware quality as well as image quality.


    For example, I use MS software to make a web site, and so do others, but the person that puts more time and effort into it, and knows more, will produce a better quality web site.


    It looks like the Everfocus camera is using the Pixim chip also, same chip as the Ultra View. I love the idea of the Ultra View ( if I can get the camera to work correctly) but is missing the night vision. If the Everfocus one can do both, I think it would be really valibul. Will get one to compare.

  3. Thanks for all the tips guys.


    I just had placed on orders online yesterday for some samples.


    EverFocus EQ600 WDII

    Ambush D11-CB80H-WD-TDN (dome version looked pretty interesting)


    They were quite affordable at around $300 dealer pricing.

    I have Panasonic CP-474 from my previous installations and I am going to compare them on one screen. I'm going to get a sample for GE's Ultraview camera today but does anyone know where I could get a good pricing for it? Also can you recomend me some lens that works the well with WDR camera? I was planning to use Tamron 13VA308AS on all of these cams but if there's better lens you think that works better with WDR cams please let me know.


    Well as soon I test'em out myself I'll let you all know how they perform.


    Thanks guys.


    Ultra View at ADI for $330

    Get a Comutar with F1:00 Asperical lens. Works great.


    Someone posted that in would look better to use a 1/2 lens on a 1/3 inch camera. Never tried that. Does it make a big difference??

    Some feedback on that would be great!!!

  4. Yeah, but its Everfocus! Thats like COP-USA, Mace, Eclipse, etc ..


    I personibly don't think it's going to make that much of a difference. I picked up a Ultraview camera last week to try it. Will get an Everfocus to compare. They both use the same CCD. My experiance is that the lens makes more of a difference anyway. A WD cam with night vision and slow capture time sounds really interesting to me. Will post some info after compering them.

  5. Hi FredDB ,


    Thank you so much your comment and ideas by two DVR system on

    Samsung and netfocus products .


    I am now explain why we are looking for highly quality viedo recording

    system to setup the new office for our company nature is running the

    gold and jewellery wholesales supplier .


    Thus , we need the high quality and professional feature the digital

    recording video system for security control in our office , and we don't

    have any technical staff can be suitable to evaluate two DVR system

    feature . And all the system feature is provided by solution vendor

    company , they said anything that we only to listen or obey on product

    know how .


    Mr Freddb would you mind tell me more suggestion under on our

    company business nature which DVR system is apporiate to use ??





    Where are you located?

    Kalatel as Rory said.

    What exactly do you want from the DVR? Real time recording on all channels?, Audio on all channels?, remote access?, a Raid Bay for the HD?, great recording quality or great streaming, you usally don't get both in the same dvr?

  6. ( Probably has more to do with not partion the Hard drive correctly, and using the DVR as a video gane computer. Quake won't work with Linux as far as I know)


    Quake works perfectly well in Linux, as does Quake 2, Quake 3, I suspect Quake 4 will as well. ID has been pretty supportive of Linux gaming. Most FPS work well in Linux. You just need the Linux binaries which usually are on the CD.



    Was kind of a joke. My point was that using the DVR as your game computer is not exactly going to make it more stable, and is more likely to happen if you run windows. Never tried Quake. To busy working to play video games.

  7. My 2 cents from just reading the specs. I have not tried them so I don't really know about stability, but high end dvr's don't ually crash to often.



    Pros: Name brand,

    Cons: Not a big supporter of H.263. Streams great but the recording quality full frame sucks. VPON uses same codec. I usally get the vpon webserver just for the streaming part. Win 2000 instead of Linux. Not as stable as Linux. ( Probably has more to do with not partion the Hard drive correctly, and using the DVR as a video gane computer. Quake won't work with Linux as far as I know) 1 channel audio.



    Pros: Mpeg-4, looks better and scales better then H.263, 16 channel audio

    Cons: Never heard of them. What re you doing if the DVR dies? Send it back to Taiwan?


    Personibly I like the imbedded ones better then the "Computer" DVR's. The live video usally look a lot better because the signal doesn't have to go through the computer and be converted. I also like the "operating system on the chip" concept. I the HD dies the system still works as a multiplex, so the customer has something to look at. "Computer" DVR's usually have some extra features, but from my experiance, 99% of the customers could care less about anyway. Must people are to busy running there business to have time to mess around with a DVR anyway.


    Just my 2 cents...

  8. Not correct.


    1.The Ikigami records 30 frames per sec. divided in 4, so 7 frames per channel maximum. The playback quality in the highest res. looks very simular to live video. You can't change it to record in quad mode.


    2. It's very easy to find out if a dvr records in quad mode. You play back the video. If it looks like **** , it's quad. If it looks ok its full frame. After that it depends on compession level and compression codec. Wavelet looks better then MJpeg which looks better then H.263. Then you have Mpeg-4, Mjpeg-2, Jpeg. H.264 is coming out soon which will be amazing. Most dvr's record full frame. I just know the Argus one and the AvTech one that lets you do both.


    3. Hook up an Argus dvr and see for yourself. It's very obious.


    This DVR looks interesting to me for 3 reasons. Mpeg-4 and you can change the quality and audio. I stopped looking at resulotion in these cheaper DVR's. Think compession format makes alot bigger difference.

  9. testing hyperd as all good wd cameras are base on pixim chipset technology

    and it look better in suny day than sony dc50a ex ccd or sony bw m324

    still need some more work on bios

    geting new hyperd with better (day/nite code) new bios on 9/29/y4



    What camera is that? The Ultra View?


    Great images
