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Everything posted by FacilityGuru

  1. Hello All, After reading many hours of posts, I still have not heard any definative answer as what to do (that works) when your drives wont load. Please help! Yes I have copied the "Clonedisk . zip" files from my operational DM DS2 DX16C to the drives not working, different drives, reformating drives, reloading (mirroring) working software from an operational unit, defaulting the units, ... What is default I.P. for a DM DS2 DX16C unit anyway? Yes I have tried nearly EVERYTHING listed in the posts. Is there anyone with the information/software that will fix these (at home?). Is there one person not in the DM "Mafia" willing to release the information needed to repair the OLDER units that DM pawns off to authorized repair depots, to do what would normally take a half hour for a normal computer geek to do? The shipping and repair cost are killing a person who outright owns one. This is why they are now losing the market share in the business! Any help is apprciated, Thanks!