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Everything posted by digitaltrader

  1. I have a mobotix M12 D22N22 and have been quite disappointed with the night time performance. Do these require a separate IR light? Could it be that there are specific settings I need to use? Here is an example of the image I am getting:
  2. I have seen automated plate screens that are remote controlled and slide over the plate.
  3. The lux rating is as follows: B/W: 0,1 lux (t=1/60 s), 0,005 lux (t=1/1 s) Chris, are asking me to take a picture of the darkest areas and lightest areas without a flash on a digital camera? If so, what are you looking to determine doing so? I appreciate the help!
  4. I currently have the camera at the factor defaults. Is this typical performance for this amount of lighting?
  5. Any time estimate on the M14 release?
  6. I am sold on the mobotix line of cameras but need to integrate them into my home automation system that uses MJPEG. Has anyone had any success in integrating these into a cntrol4 environment? Currently I know that control4 supports the Panasonic line of cameras using MJPEG.
  7. Here is the reply I received from my C4 integrator: In order to be compatible (and you'd still need to write a .c4i file for the camera), cameras must support the following: - An address to retrieve a JPG image - An address to retrieve a MJPEG stream (not mp4) motion image retrieval, and JPEG image retrieval. - Both of those must be available on the same IP Port - Only basic authentication must be used, or no authentication to retrieve images or streams - The camera must support sending an image size parameter, which is fixed to one of the following strings: 160x180 320x240 640x480 That is, Control4 only support those resolutions, and we pass those exact strings on the address line If the camera can't do that, you can't write a driver for it currently. Many cameras don't support MJPEG, and/or require that you have an ActiveX control to get the image data. If that's the case, you can't write a driver for it currently. Any other commands (Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus) all need to be separate addresses. Does the mobotix follow these guidelines?