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  1. Thank you for your input. I will take a closer look at the Geovision software. Do you think Geovision is the only solution? Or are there any more cheap solutions? Axel
  2. Hi gang! During the past two weeks I have been testing PC based DVR solutions with motion detection and notification options. I am talking Digi-Watcher, go1984 and lots of other low-end stuff. I am looking for software which offers this feature: as soon as motion is detected, I should be notificated directly over the internet by a remote client that gets triggered by the server to play a sound file. With such a feature, I can be notificated acoustically at home as soon as a camera at the company detects motion. I thought this was easy. In these modern times, where nearly everybody is using instant messengers like MSN, such a feature is NOT to be found in PC based PVR solutions. Notification is mostly done by e-mail or ftp upload, which are no serious candidates to solve my 'simple' problem. I thought I was getting close with LuxRiot, since this software offers the remote and local clients with the same features. But guess what: NO notification options at all! My question: which software can do? Any useful replies will be friendly acknowledged! Regards, Axel (Holland, Europe)