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Everything posted by brbjr

  1. I find it hard to view IP cameras on mobile phones. So I created a .net service that grabs the pictures from IP cameras and holds it in memory. Then from my phone I can request the picture from the service and specify the image size. Is this something that you might be interested in? I am thinking about putting a UI on it and sale it for a small fee. Things that I currently do with my service: 1. Grab pictures from multiple cameras, frame rate approx 5x sec. I can get a mjpeg, jpeg and any source that vlc can view. With vlc I use the snapshot grabber to save a pic to a directory and the service grabs the pictures from the directory. 2. Serve the pictures in any size via http. Example I can take multiple IP cameras and multiplex them together and specify size. This is nice on cell phone to see all cameras at once. 3. Save pictures off site every x seconds. I not looking to replace NVR software but due to bandwidth it is not possible to save all my cameras offsite at full size. So I multiplex all cameras together then upload them to a offsite server, this is not a super high quality picture but it is better than nothing if someone were to steal my recording server. Bruce
  2. Is it possible to view each camera separately at the same time? Example: rtsp:// this shows the quad display or 1 camera. I would like to be able to open 4 separate streams and each one be a different camera.