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Posts posted by smarty

  1. An iView version upgrade has just came out (that works with GV8.4). In addtion to updating the i-App, you must also drop a update .DLL into the Geo directory.


    For me (I am running Win 7), that was the hardest part. Win 7 has the GV directory so damned locked down, that I had to start the machine in Safe mode, then do the DLL swap out, and then restart normally. Anway, all works with the new I-Viewer.

  2. I believe you will need a GV NET I/O card for PTZ control via RS-485 (how most PTZ's are controlled)


    link is here:




    With my older NET I/O card you used to need a USB to serial adapter. The serial 232 would then get turned in RS-485 via the NET I/O card.


    However, it looks like the newer NET I/O cards have a USB connection already on them. I would guess that this USB connection then gets converted to RS-485 to "speak" to the individually addressed RS-485 cameras.

  3. Yes, that is possible...I have done it (way back when).


    I can't recall the settings right now (not infront of my GV1240 machine). Anyway, I long ago disabled this feature because even with masking, fine tuning the motion adjustments and all the like, I was never able to properly weed out false triggers based upon wind and shadows. You may have a more "controlled" area of view where this approach could work nicley.



  4. I really do think you can likely do this.....but I don't (although I might). Only two POSSIBLE issues might pop up.


    1) If you use SageTV for a DVR solution, I have heard that SageTV MIGHT play badly with your Geo CCTV. 2) Since HA is "nice, but not essential", and security is "essential" in my way of thinking, I put my Geo on a standalone box with very little else. I very much wanted to limit anything that might cause it to go down.


    Good luck to you.

  5. My GV-1240 card installs OK except for the audio. See the device manager screenshot.


    Hardware SetUp:

    Win XP SP3

    EVGA Nvidia 680i LT MotherBoard

    2 gig memory, intel quad core

    GeForce 9400 GT


    I have seen/had this audio issue with two different computers and with two different GV-1240 cards (both were legit cards...coming from legit security dealers).


    I am running Geo 8.3.2 (latest). My video for the 8 cam set-up seems fine. I presently have no microphones attached to my audio, but I do have the audio extensions connected to the proper slots on the GV-1240 card.


    I have installed and un-installed the card a couple of times, the "Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus" goes away when I un-install, and comes back when I install. Also, my "wave out" option in the camera/audio install area is "grey out". Geo gives me a start-up warning message saying that there is no audio playback driver (or something along those lines).


    I really don't know what I am doing wrong for the install. Ideas??


  6. For my home automation system, I use a GUI "front end" called XLobby.


    I would like to run Geovision "remote playback" or "remote live view" and position these application windows with XLobby under my CCTV section.


    As an example, I position SageTV within Xlobby, and my TV control and TV output look seamless.


    Since the Geovision programs don't seem to be designed to run in a window (full screen only), I tried to download and run the Geo programs at 1024X768 resolution while my actual screen display runs at 1400X900. This works in that the Geo applications now only take up part of the screen, but they are located at coordinates (0,0 - upper right hand corner).


    Does anyone know of a way to move the Geo windows around (similiar to the movewindow)? Does anyone know of a utility that these windows could be encapsulated in (so that i could move them around)?

  7. The downloads in the


    Sticky: Free Software for GeoVision DVRs


    section do not seem to be there. Is anyone else seeing this? Are these Geo software tweaks hosted somewhere else?


    I specifically am looking for these two:


    LiveScan Geo - Remote Sequencer:



    SimpleVue Geo - Basic Remote Viewer:


    So that I can feed video into my Xlobby page (if possible).

  8. Ok, this is a question for those with intimate GeoVision software knowledge.


    I am trying to control my Geo DVR by using a Windows messaging utility (the one that comes with SageTv.....but it works with any MS Windows program).


    In order to do this, I need to know: "WindowClass", "WindowName", "MsgID", "wParam" and "lParam" for the actions that Geo can perform.



    WindowClass: Define the window class name to recieve multiple messages.


    WindowName: Define the name of the window to recieve multiple messages.


    MsgID: The windows message number to be sent; decimal value

    wParam: The messages wParam value to be sent; decimal value

    lParam : The messages lParam value to be sent; decimal value



    Maybe the best way to start is to duplicate all the functionality of the buttons on the Geo IR remote control. Does anyone (Rory?) have some ideas of how to accomplish this?

  9. It is now working!! Thanks to all who helped!!!


    I am not sure what did it, but I set the cam RS-485 address to "1", and the Geo address to "0". I also re-seated the 4 pin RS-485/alarm connector on the camera (I think that was it).


    Anyway, I did get the Pelco-D protocal working, but that protocal did not seem to support the camera preset zooms. I ended up using Pelco-P (which supported the presets).


    Now the cool part. I tied the I/O input of my GeoNet/IO card to one of my Elk M1's (a fancy alarm panel) outputs. Now, when somebody presses my from gate buzzer (tied into the Elk), the driveway cam zooms to that location.


    Damn, it nice when things work as designed!!!


    Special thanks to Collin...your efforts are truly appreacited


    Steve in SATX

  10. Collin,

    When I open up the camera dome, I have 5 push buttons (up/dwn, left/right and enter). Through the camera menu, I can manually get the cam to zoom 1-12X optically and 1-10X digitally. This all seems to work OK.



    Please see my first picture again. If I understand you right, I think I have set both my Geo address to "0", and the actual camera address to "0" (as shown in this picture).


    I have tried setting the camera to "1" and Geo to "0" (and vice versa). I had read that note from the onscreen Geo exclaimation point "thingy" (a technical term)



  11. The Keyspan is set up on Com Port 6 (high enough to be out of the way). With my multimeter, I have verified that there is 4.47 Vdc across the RS-485V wires (polarity is OK).


    I have also verified that when I press some of the Geo PTZ on screen buttons, I see RS-485 voltage fluctuactions (so that tells me that the Keyspan is sending signals to the GV-Net/IO card (which the RS-485 wires are connected to). My logic is OK...right?


    So, now I am pretty sure it is a camera protocal set-up issue. See screen shot #1. This is where I have gotten into the camera OSD, and selected the Pelco-D protocal.


    The next screen shot is where I have powered down, and then powered up the camera, it shows that my protocal changes have "stuck", and the camera says that it is "OK".


    Now what to do.....?????


    When I


    I have verifed



  12. From my GV-Net/IO card, I have to connect the 9 pin serial connector to a "Keyspan" Serial to USB adapter (my damn new computer has no serial ports). I have had pretty good luck with these (I know others have not).


    From this adapterI can open a data window where I am able to see the data traffic when I press the PTZ buttons on the Geo screen (see attached screen shot).


    Question: Does anyone know how this should look?



    I think my 485 problem is either with this adapter or with the camera itself (not responding to the different protocals that I have tried). Anyone have a good source for a NEW and inexpensive GV-COM box? That should eliminate the need for the USB adapter.


    Any other ideas?


  13. Collin,

    Yeah, you have probabley have seen me around before (including here, Sage TV board, PowerHome, and CoonTech mostly)


    I too would have thought the Pelco D protocal should have worked, but it didn't seem to. Maybe my 485 net is not working (it used too though - ).


    BTW what is "siggy"? I hope it's good





    in SA TX

  14. The Samsung is an antivandal dome with No Pan or Tilt, but it does have 12x optical zoom. I will be using it will my GV-1240 system with camera zoom control through my GV Net-IO card (RS-485). Anyone have any experience/guidance to set this up?


    The Samsung camera has a number of RS-485 protocals available including: Samsung, Pelco-D, Pelco-P Vicon, Panosonic, Philips, ERNA, Diamond and VCLTP.


    In the Geo PTZ configuration area, there are NO exact matches to this camera model (bummer). After trying a few different protocals that can be selected on the camera (and changing the Geo config to match), I have not been able to communicate with the camera.


    Anyone have some good guidance??



  15. Does anyone have any experience with playing full motion video on a touch screen display?


    I have heard that some touch screens may not be too good for motion video. However, with all the different types of touch technologies out there, I am wondering if one type/brand might be better than others????


    I am looking into a secondary CCTV display (main CCTV display will be the CATV system) in concert with home automation display.

  16. Folks,

    I am looking for a camera that can be mounted to the side of the house (under eave) like the rest of my KT&C 600 cams, except this cam overlooks the driveway area.


    When someone rings the from gate button, I would like to send the cam a signal (via a Geo digital input) to zoom in (distance to gate is about 75ft) to get a face picture at the gate. The camera would NOT have to Pan or Tilt, just zoom in.


    I have seen some zoom only type cams, but they do not appear to be outdoor cameras. What would you guys suggest, and what would you have them mounted in. Outdoor temps range from 25-110 deg F. Price range is $300-$600 max. I prefer a color cam. At night there will be a light over the gate.

  17. I have narrowed it down to the "DSP Overlay" check box within GeoVision configuration.


    If I leave this configuration unchecked, I can take remote control of the Geo box, the release control and the Geo box continues to have "good" video display.


    If I do the same thing with DSP Overlay enabled, when I release remote contol, the video of the Geo box gets buggered up.


    Anyone else seen this? Any workaround? The DSP Overlay makes the video look so much nicer.
