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  1. racealoot

    Remote log in error

    Thanks again guys for your replies. Yes I do A static IP on both the server and my ISP. The port I have set up on the server is the default ports from 9091-9112 I believe. And I have also tried to view the cameras from outside the network using the viewer. So i know for sure that it is not my ISP blocking me.
  2. racealoot

    Remote log in error

    Well for testing purposes I forwarded all ports to the dvr server, and I am testing from both inside and outsite the LAN. When I test from inside the LAN I use the external ip address and does not work but when I use the internal ip it works.
  3. racealoot

    Remote log in error

    I have done all these things and still not working. I have checked the settings over and over thinking that I might of left something off but no luck.
  4. racealoot

    Remote log in error

    Hello guys, Thank you for any help in advance. I am a administrator for a company and they have installed a eyemax dvr, I believe it is the 9000 version. I have spent much time searching in the forums and have not found any for this issue even though a lot of people are having the same issue. The issue I am having is that everything works fine in the LAN, I am able to see and log in using the client version As soon as i try connection using the public IP I get a error saying "Login has Failed" I have all port forwarded to the server and have checked all the other settings i can think of. This client is installed on a vista computer, not sure if that makes a difference. I also have the admin, time checked off, and have all ther other boxes checked. So it works fine on the LAN, but as soon as use the Public IP i get that error. Can anyone share some wisdom?