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SDM Group

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Posts posted by SDM Group

  1. There are many ways to create your own proposal and other companies/people will all be different and relevant to themselves and their projects.


    Security is the core component so has to include how you plan to meet the challenges of - Risk, Environment, Personnel, Budget & Equipment i.e. as a generalization a Police Station is heavy on personnel so less equipment can be used, a Park has many environmental issues so Equipment choices come into to play and so on.


    There is no one stop shop therefore each scenario creates its own format, but as long as you remember the reasons of why they are asking for the proposal you won't go far wrong. How you present it is up to you Powerpoint, demonstration equipment, viewing a system already in place etc.

  2. We had been using the Sanyo HD3300 dome on projects (great camera in IMHO) and looking for a like replacement i.e megapixel, vandal proof, varifocal, IP66, reliable & same or lower price point.


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




    I think the word is out that the Sanyo CCTV range is about to be discontinued.



    Yeah, I started to get that feeling when they laid off all their North American staff
