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  1. As a matter of fact, I do have a basement where my DVR resides. Good point about the brick - it's a lot easier to drill a single hole. I wasn't aware there is space between the brick and the OSB - I thought they would be right against each other. But I am worried about how to fill in the hole in case I screw up... I'm not averse to removing the door casing - I'm pretty sure it's just a wood casing. I think a nice slice along the caulk (if it exists) and even pulling pressure with a prybar should do it. If it should break, then I'll miter a new one to fit. I don't mind painting the whole casing. So I think I'll try removing the casing first (from the inside of the door). If there is spacing behind the casing and the shims don't take up the entire depth of the door jamb, that would be ideal! I could just bring the wire down without any fishing or drilling into drywall. Just a single hole down in the floor behind the casing down to the basement. However, if there is no space, then I'll consider the brick solution. Thanks!
  2. Too late - closing this week! Very detailed steps - thanks. I'll take pics and post when I get to this project. When you say fishing the wiring underneath the casing - do you mean creating a groove with say a dremel tool across and down the inner side of the casing? Or would there be some spacing between the door jamb and the 2x6's where I could run the Cat6?
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. Taking off that header - would I hit a 2x4 edge on? If I were to put a notch in the 2x4 to accommodate the camera, would that affect the structural integrity of the door frame?
  4. Hi all, long time listener, first time caller... I'm looking for suggestions on where to place a camera near my front door. My first goal is to be discreet - I'd like to a use board/pinhole camera and camouflage it. I might consider a small mini-dome. It would go to a GeoVision GV1240 located in the basement using CAT6 + baluns. My second goal is to get a good face shot, which means placing the camera at or near eye-level. My third goal is for relatively easy installation - I don't want to go through the door and its hinges. Unfortunately, the door overhang and the two columns that support it are not accessible (I don't think). If anything is to be mounted on the exterior brick, I assume I'd be able to drill through the brick, the OSB, through the insulation-filled cavity down to the basement - please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks in advance...