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Everything posted by zhiyi_ze

  1. What would be the best solution to install a surveillance system in an elevator(12-storey apartment)? Can a wireless transmission work efficiently?
  2. zhiyi_ze

    CCTV in an elevator

    Does the twisted pair demand applies on every elevator company or they have the rights not to go according to the building codes?
  3. I'm looking for a DVR card with these features. Any recommendations? - Remote Management - Remote Playback -2 Way Voice Communication (with addressbook feature) - POS Integration - Remote Client Installation - Central Monitoring Station - Ability of DVR Software to minimize - DVR card must be in Triplex mode - Ability to view remotely from a PDA Phone
  4. Hello, I need help in integrating the POS system to my DVR which i am using MagicRadar's T04 card. How do I connect the DVR to the POS and does it necessarily connect to the printer? After installing the POS Text Inserter to the DVR, what settings should I set? What other things do I need to do to be able to integrate the POS system to the DVR? Thanks~!
  5. I'm currently using MagicRadar's DVR card and I'm trying to use the remote viewing using Internet Explorer. When I open up Internet Explorer and key-in the address, the screen appears.. but it doesn't prompt me to install ActiveX and the camera view doesn't appear either. Instead, there's an error message: Problems with this web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. Object doesn't support this property or method. Please advice. Thanks
  6. Hey...Thanks for all the help...Now the remote view is already working! Thanks again!
  7. I'm now using version of software. Could it be because of the software has outdated? Thanks, Charles!
  8. Yea, I've already enabled all the ActiveX settings. I've also set all the security settings to the minimum level. But it still doesn't work with the error message appearing. It actually appears as "error on page" on the bottom left of the internet explorer. Then when I double clicked to look on more information on the error, its written: Problems with this web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. Object doesn't support this property or method. Anyway, thanks a lot for replying, kandcorp!